
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Tell the Smithsonian to remove Planned Parenthood founder’s image

from  Texas Right to Life

Margaret Sanger, the founder of America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, which kills over 300,000 unborn American babies every year, is currently featured in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery exhibit “The Struggle for Justice.”

Sanger was a divisive, racist eugenicist. As one of the most evil forces in the twentieth century, she has no place in a public display honoring true heroes of American history such as Frederick Douglas, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Margaret Sanger worked with the Nazis and KKK, and called African Americans “human weeds.”

Amid the movement to remove Confederate monuments from public display, we must not overlook any memorials of Margaret Sanger who began an organization and movement that has decimated the African American community. Planned Parenthood has killed more black lives than any other organization in our nation’s history.

Contact the director of the gallery, Kim Sajet, now to demand that the bust of the evil racist Margaret Sanger be immediately removed from gallery.


Message to Ms. Sajet:

Dear Ms. Sajet:
I am writing to you to express my concerns with the inclusion of Margaret Sanger in the National Portrait Gallery exhibit “The Struggle for Justice.”

Margaret Sanger saw Planned Parenthood as the means of eliminating “human weeds,” people she deemed unfit. Her heinous plan has become more successful than even she could have imagined: Planned Parenthood now has a more than 100-year history of killing the preborn, exploiting vulnerable populations, and advancing the profit-driven abortion industry as a taxpayer funded “health care” organization.

At a time when so many in our nation long for unity, we are saddened to see the divisive figure of Margaret Sanger featured in an exhibit with heroes of American history who gave their lives in service to the marginalized. Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist who worked with the KKK and founded Planned Parenthood in order “to assist the white race toward the elimination of the unfit.” Margaret Sanger did not work to include the voiceless in our society but instead she sought to end the lives of those she deemed unworthy. This shocking reality is contrary to the vision of “The Struggle for Justice.”

Based on the extensive evidence of Margaret Sanger’s support of the eugenics movement and her work to eliminate minorities in our country, I ask you to remove her bust from the National Portrait Gallery.

Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns.

The members, directors, and officers of Texas Right to Life join together in the defense of innocent human life. We seek due process of law and equal protection of the law for all human beings from the moment of conception until natural death (including those manufactured via scientific means) and without regard to their age or physical and mental competence. Human life is a sacred gift of our Creator, and only He has the power to end human life. Our purpose is the furtherance and implementation of our view of human life through legal and peaceful means. For more information, please visit their website using this link.  

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