
Saturday, September 23, 2017

The New Pro-Life Movement: Been There, Done That

Peter Wolfgang
Crisis Magazine

What would the pro-life movement be without its perennial infighting? From the absolutists vs. the incrementalists to the Seamless Garment vs. everyone else, it is a feature of our movement that just never goes away. The latest controversy over something mislabeled as “new” is evidence that there is nothing new about these internecine fights.

Rebecca Bratten Weiss recently lost her job as an English professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville after, she claimed, the school showed her evidence that she wasn’t “pro-life enough.” Bratten Weiss is one of the founders of the New Pro-Life Movement (NPLM), a concept that bundles the traditional pro-life opposition to abortion and euthanasia together with several other causes usually associated with the left.

NPLM advocates seem to view those other causes as being of equal importance to the life issues and frequently attack pro-lifers who don’t share their full agenda as not being truly pro-life. For this reason Bratten Weiss was the subject of a critical LifeSiteNews article shortly after losing her job at Franciscan.

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Peter Wolfgang is president of Family Institute of Connecticut, a Hartford-based advocacy organization whose mission is to encourage and strengthen the family as the foundation of society. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of FIC Action.

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