
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Simple Truth That Can End Abortion

Michael Brown holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages 
and Literatures from New York University and has 
served as a professor at a number of seminaries. 

By Michael Brown
Christian Post

A radio host in Detroit told me he was shocked one day when a caller referred to his child as a "carbon unit." Yes, a carbon unit. That's how a dad talked about his own kid.

But this is not much different than referring to a baby in the womb as a "mass of cells" or comparing it to a tumor that needs to be removed.

In fact, this is the very mentality that underlies the pro-abortion movement: That child in the womb, growing and developing and moving and kicking, looking more and more like mom or dad (or both) by the day, is not a human being. It is a thing, an appendage to be expelled if not wanted. 

As expressed by pro-abortion feminist Florence Thomas (speaking of her abortion in France in the mid-1960s), she felt "a relief. An immense relief. This tumor went away, disappeared. I could go back to living."

Really now, if the fetus is nothing more than a mass of cells, a tumor, then the baby (or even the adult) is nothing more than a carbon unit.

In keeping with this mentality, NARAL (the National Abortion Rights Action League), took strong exception to a silly Doritos commercial during Super Bowl 50 (2016) in which a pregnant woman is getting an ultrasound of her baby with her husband present.

As he mindlessly munches on his Doritos – to his wife's consternation – he then dangles one near her belly, after which we're led to assume that the baby made a premature exit from the womb, eager to grab that Doritos chip.

What was so offensive to NARAL?

According to NARAL (via Twitter), Doritos was guilty of gender stereotyping (using "sexist tropes of dads as clueless & moms as uptight").

Worse still, Doritos was guilty of using "#antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses." How dare anyone humanize a developing human being in the womb! Not surprisingly, NARAL took a lot of heat for its absurd, even heartless, tweet.

But NARAL didn't back down. If the fetus can be humanized, then abortion cannot be justified.

As I wrote in response to the NARAL tweet, there's a reason that the vast majority of women who see their ultrasound choose not to abort their babies.

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