
Friday, October 6, 2017

40 Days for Life—Baby Lives and Mom Smiles. A Busy October in the Public Square

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

  1. Mom and baby turn to life during first week of 40 Days for Life!
  2. Firing on all cylinders with Waco 40 Days for Life.
  3. Second Sunday Ecumenical Pro-Life Gathering, October 8.
  4. Invitation to I-35 travelers to pray at Waco 40 Days for Life.
  5. Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo in Waco October 5-14.
  6. Protest Planned Parenthood fundraiser in Dallas on Oct. 19.

October is our busiest month of the year. And we are even busier this year because of our 40 Days for Life prayer vigil. 

1. Mom and baby turn to life during first week of 40 Days for Life!

As long as moms and babies in the womb are threatened by Planned Parenthood at the Waco abortion center, we will focus on that one mom and that one baby who may be saved in the last moment before tragedy strikes. That moment did occur last Wednesday when a mom who resides in Florida said NO to abortion for her precious baby and yes to the support of CareNet Pregnancy Center. I won’t have to describe what happened because Rose, the 17-year-old mom, described it herself in a moving Facebook post.

If you click on the image, it will expand a bit. She also included her photo in a post you can find on my Facebook group, Hometown Pro-Life Action. Why do we stand and pray in solidarity at Planned Parenthood in 40 Days for Life? Here is your answer.

2.  Firing on all cylinders with Waco 40 Days for Life.

Everything in 40 Days for Life has been blessed so highly as we enter the second week of our prayer outreach. We want 40 Days for Life prayer outreach to continue to grow over the 40 Days. If you are a prayer volunteer, I encourage you to repeatedly invite your friends to join you. It’s hard to come out to Planned Parenthood for the first time. However, knowing that you will be there can pave the way for your friends to take the leap. If you have not volunteered for 40 Days for Life. Just respond to this email and let me know the day of the week and the hour of that day that you can come out and pray in the weeks up to November 4. If you are adept with a computer, you can also sign up at The hours of our prayer vigil are 7 AM to 7 PM, Monday through Saturday.

We’ve received extensive and positive news coverage. The Waco Tribune-Herald story contains words of an abortion-minded mother that are shocking, to say the least

Here is a link to the article in the Waco Tribune-Herald. And here is a link to a news story from KWKT local Fox News.

3. Second Sunday Ecumenical Pro-Life Gathering, October 8 

So much to share. So much for the faithful to celebrate.
I hope all the prayer volunteers for 40 Days for Life will join the Second Sunday fellowship. Unless you are allergic to Italian food, you will enjoy the meal. Yes, you may come back for seconds as I did on Sundays with my Mama Rosa.
The location is the parish hall of St. Mary’s Church in Waco. This is 1424 Columbus Avenuethe corner of Columbus and 15th Street. A “Real Southern Italian” luncheon buffet will be served throughout the noon hour—adults $3. Children and first-time attendees are free. Come anytime during the noon hour. Our action planning meeting is 1-2 p.m. Our responsibility to stand against abortion is serious. We accept the challenge, but will not let our responsibility destroy our joy in life.

4. Invitation to I-35 travelers to pray at Waco 40 Days for Life

The Planned Parenthood location for Waco 40 Days for Life is just a half-mile off of Interstate 35. Vigil hours are 7 AM to 7 PM every day except Sunday. So, if you are traveling through Waco on I-35, just enter 1121 Ross Ave. in your GPS. Come join us in prayer. We would be honored to have your prayer support and affirmation.

5. Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo in Waco October 5-14

If you haven’t signed up to volunteer at the Pro-Life Waco booth in the General Exhibits Building, at least come by and visit. Doel Garcia organizes and delivers an amazing 10’ x 20’ booth and a fruitful interaction with fairgoers. A fair booth or a church festival booth is a great way to proclaim the Gospel of Life message.

6. Protest Planned Parenthood fundraiser in Dallas on Oct. 19

Looking for a dozen adventurous men, women, and children. It’s all legal, as well as important. An organization that kills over 300,000 babies every year deserves to be challenged by life defenders. Pro-Life Waco responds to the shedding of innocent blood to Waco by protesting Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas fundraising events in Waco, Austin, Dallas, and Fort Worth. As you can see in the action agenda above, there will be a PP fundraising event in Dallas on Thursday, October 19.

We will depart from the St. Mary’s parking lot for Dallas in a van at 4 PM from St. Mary’s church, returning at about 10 PM. This protest outreach is enjoyable and powerful. Are you in? Respond to this email and let me know.

Finally, we have run low on 40 Days for Life T-shirts and yard signs. We have reordered. The black T-shirts are very popular. Yard signs are free to all. T-shirts are available free to 40 Days for Life prayer volunteers. You may pick up a yard sign now at my front doorstep--4200 Grim Ave. You will know you are at my home when you see an unusually large number of pro-life signs in the yard. This is not the year to conceal our lights under bushel baskets. We are of one accord in wanting abortion for Central Texas O-U-T of Waco. We will work, pray, and display yard signs for this blessing for our community.

And finally #2, some photos of 40 Days for Life.

Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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