
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Abortion Activists Vandalize Cross Display to Memorialize Babies Killed in Abortion

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A pro-life student group at Northern Kentucky University had its display vandalized this month, adding to the growing reports of vandalism and threats against pro-lifers this fall.

WKYT reports the campus Students for Life group set up a cross display Sunday on campus to raise awareness about the number of unborn babies who are aborted every day in the United States.

However, sometime during the night, the crosses were pulled out of the ground, destroyed and stolen, according to the report.

Pro-life student Sebastian Torres said they filed a report with police. He said their group hopes someone with information about the vandalism will contact police.

 “I think they were destroyed because students or faculty did not agree with the pro-life message of wanting to save children from abortion,” Torres said. “Unfortunately, instead of publicly debating us, they broke the law and destroyed private property.”
The Kentucky student group is not alone. Earlier this month, vandals at St. Louis University, a Catholic university in St. Louis, Missouri, destroyed a similar display set up by pro-life students.

South Carolina Citizens for Life also had its sign vandalized earlier this month. Someone spray painted over the sign and wrote profanities on it, group leader Holly Gatling told LifeNews.

Then, over the weekend, pro-life advocates in Dallas, Texas called a bomb squad after they found a suspicious package near their 40 Days for Life site. WFAA News 8 reports the Dallas Police Department later determined that the suspicious package was a hoax, quite possibly meant to scare pro-life advocates who peacefully pray outside a nearby abortion clinic.

Pro-lifers increasingly have become targets of vandalism, threats and harassment.

1 comment:

  1. When I lived in Dallas I came across a group of tiny crosses. Babies aborted. Not even given a name. I would like to have a copy of the article for my church is part of a ProLife rally.if you could send me a copy of of it I would appreciate it and send you the money to cover the cost
    Mary Smith
    1414 S.Union Ave AptC4
    Roswell, NM 88203
