
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Abortion Clinic “Incentivized” Staff to Sell Abortions With Performance Bonuses for More Babies Killed

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Marie Stopes International, one of the largest abortion chains in the world, reportedly gave its staff incentives to encourage women to abort their unborn babies.

A new watchdog report from the Care Quality Commission found the British-based abortion chain allegedly offered bonuses to staff who urged women to go through with an abortion, Kent Online reports.

The new allegations are just one of numerous problems uncovered at Marie Stopes. In 2016, the British government partially shut down the abortion chain after inspectors found egregious health and safety violations. However, it lifted the ban several months later after Marie Stopes leaders promised that they were correcting the problems.

Now, the new CQC report indicates even more problems at the Marie Stopes International Maidstone Centre in England.

Staff said they were encouraged to follow up with women who chose life for their unborn babies and ask them to reconsider, the inspectors found. These women were identified as “Did not proceed,” according to the report.
Abortion clinic staff said they though their ability to persuade these women to have abortions affected their bonuses.

According to the local news:

Investigators also found evidence of a company policy encouraging staff at all 70 clinics to contact so-called ‘do not proceeds’ (DNP) to offer them a later appointment.
The inspection was carried out in May 2016 but the report was only published this month.

Staff referred to the Maidstone centre feeling like a cattle market with one describing it ‘feeling like a hamster in a wheel’.

The watchdog concluded staff showed limited empathy for how patients might be feeling and that support from a partner, friend or parent was discouraged. People who came along to support clients were asked to leave while the procedure took place.
The report states:
“Staff were concerned that ‘Did Not Proceed’, the term used when women decided not to proceed with treatment, was … linked to their performance bonus."
“They felt that this encouraged staff to ensure that patients underwent procedures.”
Life News article continues here

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