
Monday, October 30, 2017

Abortion Clinic Paid Staff Less if Women Didn’t Have Abortions

By Dave Andrusko
Life News

The British newspaper, the Sun, called it an “Abortion Bombshell.” And so it clearly was–the news that one of Britain’s largest abortion providers paid staff bonuses to encourage women to have abortions!

The “damning report” from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), a kind of medical watchdog, was the latest in a series of rebukes to the powerful Marie Stopes International.

Susannah Keogh explained what the watchdog group found at the Marie Stopes centre in Maidstone, Kent.

Staff told inspectors that their performance was measured against Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] and were concerned that these indicators included ‘Did Not Proceed.’

This meant that if a patient decided not to go through with an abortion, this decision would be linked to the staff member’s performance bonus.

Quoting from the report, “They (staff) felt that this encouraged staff to ensure that patients underwent abortions. Staff were also concerned that the pressurized environment and linking of KPIs to performance bonuses meant that there was a culture that worked against patient choice.”
“’It is shocking to hear that, at what is often such a difficult and stressful moment, abortion clinics are taking advantage of pregnant women by seeking to do as many abortions as they can, rather than seeking to give genuine, non-directional counselling and advice,” said MP Fiona Bruce.

The Daily Mail today noted, “The report is more damning than any previous inspection.”

Life News article continues

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