
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Apple Removes Pro-Life Prayer App From Its Store

By Susan-Michelle Hanson
Live Action News

The recent trend of pro-life censorship continues. First, Twitter blocked Live Action’s pro-life ads, then censored Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s Senate campaign tweet where she said she “stopped the sale of baby body parts.”
It now appears that Apple may be joining Twitter in caving to pro-abortion pressure, removing the pro-life app Human Coalition from its store. The app is still available on Android, and the pro-life organization believes Apple removed the app due to pushback from pro-abortion groups.
The innocuous app was designed to help people pray for women entering abortion facilities. Human Coalition describes it this way:
This innovative new app, available on Apple and Android platforms, takes the mission to end abortion in America to a new level. Harnessing the power of prayer and technology, the new app brings together praying people from across the country for one purpose: to pray for abortion-determined individuals as they walk through their life-decision process.
However, the app was mocked without mercy by two news outlets. Slate writer Christina Cauterucci wrote a sarcastic narrative last summer, insulting the app’s intended purpose as well as those who use it to pray to save babies from abortion. Although no one using the app knows the identity of the woman for whom they are praying, Cauterucci implies that the app violates privacy of abortion-minded women:

It’s also not clear whether Human Coalition is tracking which real women each app user has prayed for, then updating that user’s “babies saved” tally if those specific women choose not to terminate their pregnancies. That is what the app promises, though, making this app either a discomfiting invasion of privacy or a gigantic lie.

Likewise, New Statesman writer Amelia Tait cites Cauterucci’s piece and also says the app could be a “gross privacy invasion.”

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