
Monday, October 2, 2017

Euthanasia Activists Want to Euthanize Alzheimer’s Patients, Even Without Their Consent

By Wesley Smith
Life News

The culture of death is an aggressive virus. Its pushers are now moving to permit Alzheimer’s patients to be killed if the person so requested in writing before becoming incompetent. (That “if” won’t last long if such homicides become normalized.)

Over at First Things, I detail the lethal threats:
  • Polls from Quebec–where euthanasia is legal–show that more than 90% of Alzheimer’s caregivers support such a policy. More than 70% support euthanizing those in their care even if they never asked to be killed.
  • Netherlands and Belgium already permit euthanasia for Alzheimer’s. In one case, the person killed was struggling against being killed. So the doctor instructed her family to hold her down as she gave the lethal jab.
  • Compassion and Choices teaches the elderly how to commit suicide by self starvation.
  • Prominent bioethicists want caregivers forced to starve Alzheimer’s patients to death if they asked in an advance directive–even if they willingly eat
I have written about many of those matters here. But here is something that I think receives too little attention. From, “Euthanasia for Alzheimer’s Patients?”:
There’s one more point to which we must attend. Suffering due to Alzheimer’s disease sometimes falls heavier on caregivers than on patients. True, many say at the end of the difficult road that it was an honor to care for their incapacitated loved ones. But we shouldn’t sugarcoat it: Caregiving can be exhausting and heartbreaking, and in some cases perilous to caregivers’ health…

1 comment:

  1. hello am Christine and am 40years old , when i was 25 i had lost one of my fallopian tube and i have had 2 miscarriage before in the past and i keep on trying but there was no luck on my side since then, at times me and my husband will do it all day but steel no luck until i saw some testimonies ONLINE by other women having semilar case and i decided to contact ODUMA OF SPELL AZUMA TEMPLE and pour out my sorrow and pain ON MY MAIL I SENT AZUMA did do purification and told me the source of my problem that it was work of dark witch craft that somebody put on me ( MY EX BOYFRIEND) that i will never find joy in my marriage, to cut the story short ODUMA did cast the cleanse spell to remove the dark magic and then immediately the very next month i got pregnant and praise AZUMA and god i delivered safely baby twins , if you passing through similar problem i urge you to contact Prophet AZUMA on email OR call him 2347O5517884.
