
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Fertility Awareness Based Methods Under Fire Following a Leaked Memo from HHS

by Gerard Migeon, Founder & CEO
Natural Womanhood

A memo that was leaked from the Department of Health and Human Services (one wonders how that happens) signaled that the department was considering cuts in contraceptives funding and an increase of funding for Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs). Immediately several media outlets responded with attacks and misinformation against FABMs. Regardless of our political preferences and our views about this administration, we must continue to speak up and bring awareness of the true effectiveness of FABMs and how they can help all women.

“Fertility awareness methods are often helpful for people who are trying to conceive, but they’re a woefully ineffective method of contraception,” claims “Trump wants to replace birth control with the dubious ‘Calendar Method,’” writes Newsweek, also claiming that “Because about 30 percent of women experience irregular periods, fertility planning has one of the highest rates of failure of any family-planning method.” (another major misconception with FABMs[i]). The Daily Beast illustrates its views of “how stupid it is to promote ‘fertility awareness’ over real contraception’” by equating it to promoting a car that crashes 25% of the time without warning and requires the driver to be hospitalized to recover.

Natural Womanhood is the most far-reaching women’s health literacy program since the Pill. We exist because many women are harmed by or at risk from the use of contraceptives, and most don’t know they have a viable alternative.

Natural Womanhood is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the promotion of fertility charting, as a way to promote disease prevention, self-knowledge, relational intimacy, and effective family planning. For more information, please use this link.

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