
Thursday, October 26, 2017

In Loving Memory and Tribute to a Pro-Life Pioneer and Defender of Life

"Joe Wall was an amazing man. Intelligent, kind hearted, well read, persevering, brave and most of all a defender of life!" Dr. Monique Ruberu 

Voices for the Unborn pauses to remember a brother in Christ and dear friend who was a tireless defender of children in the womb.

Joe Wall was a pro-life pioneer, prayer warrior, writer and historian. He was employed by the city of Philadelphia in the Comptroller's office until his retirement. Even during his working career, he was a pro-life activist. His Christian witness and prayers saved many unborn lives.

The story is told of Joe kneeling in the cold, wet snow on a blustery winter day. He was a lone prayer warrior that day, as he knelt in front of the NE Women's Center on Roosevelt Boulevard. A woman looked down at him from a third floor window. As she saw Joe kneeling in the snow, she was moved by his sacrifice of love.

The vision never left her. Even though the choice was made to abort her baby that day, Joe learned 12 years later through Jean Neary, a fellow pro-lifer, that his prayers were answered when this woman made the decision to choose life when she became pregnant soon after the abortion.

Joe had a great sense of humor and was Irish from the top of his head to the souls of his feet. He was an inspiration to pro-lifers. All who knew him were blessed and encouraged to continue on to the higher calling in Christ Jesus.

The following is an excerpt from the memorial handout of his funeral Mass:

Early on in life, Joe became an advocate for the dignity of life.  A major concern to Joe was that the unborn needed an advocate and he decided to give his life to this cause.  As an advocate for the unborn, Joe traveled traveled throughout the world, training others to protect and defend the unborn.  
He suffered a great deal and was imprisoned seventeen times in eleven different countries.  One could say he was an expert in local penal systems throughout the world.  He would often quip, "You can judge the kindness of the local people on how they treated prisoners".
If you were fortunate to have walked with Joe, you experienced his intellect, his wit and true faithfulness to his beliefs.  A devout soldier of Christ.
Joe blazed a trail for those who stand for the sanctity of life will continue to follow until all unborn babies are safe from abortion.  Thank you, Joe, for your love for the Lord and your dedication to His call to serve the "least of these".

And the Lord will say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant...enter in the joy of thy Lord".  Matthew 25:21

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