
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Pa. House Needs to Run SB 3 - Now! (Please take 2 minutes to advance the Cause of Life!)

from Ted Meehan
Pro-Life Delco

For the second year in a row, we are about to see one legislative chamber in Harrisburg pass a ban on Dismemberment Abortions by a huge margin, and then have the other chamber sit on its hands and let the session expire without bringing it up for a vote. 

Last year the House passed HB 1948 by a margin of 132 to 65, but the Senate never brought it up for a vote. This year, the Senate passed it (SB 3) by 32-18, and it has been sitting in the House since last January! 

We were assured it would run in March, and then June. It is now October! There are only a few days left in this legislative session. If the bill doesn't get a vote - right now - we are back to square one, with no reason to believe this legislature can pass any pro-life bills - even with HUGE majorities!

Please get your personal network to send emails (and make calls) to Speaker Mike Turzai and House Majority Leader Dave Reed. 

The message only needs to say: Run SB 3 Now! (This would also be useful to have in the Subject line of your email.

Dave Reed - 717-705-7173
Mike Turzai - 717-772-9943

You can add weight to your message if you also call their office. Simply tell them that you are calling to get the House to run SB 3 - to prohibit late term Dismemberment abortions in Pennsylvania. (If you call after hours, leave a message on their voicemail.) we need hundreds of calls and emails TODAY!

Thank you for all you do to protect the sanctity of life.

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