
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Planned Parenthood Sex-Ed Program for 12-Year-Olds on Hold After Hundreds of Parents Protest

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

North Carolina parents expressed outrage this week after learning that the abortion chain Planned Parenthood was scheduled to teach sex education their middle school children.

WRAL News reports Cumberland County middle schools put the program on hold this month after hundreds of parents voiced their concerns about the program and the abortion business that is teaching it.

Planned Parenthood’s sex education program “Get Real” was to be taught to six-, seventh- and eighth-grade students over a 10-day period, according to the report.

School officials said parents and students may opt out of the program or specific lessons. However, after receiving so many comments from concerned parents, they agreed to halt the program, and the school board is reviewing the curriculum, according to the report.

Here’s more from the local news:

Hundreds of parents packed an informational meeting Monday night to get an outline of the “Get Real” program. …
“I don’t need somebody else teaching my kids, as they put it in there, ‘the myths and facts about your sexuality.’ That’s something the parents need to do,” parent Nick Quello said. “I just don’t think that’s appropriate for a 12-year-old, whether it be a boy or a girl, to be teaching them that.”

Quello and other parents expressed concern about some of the language and items used to teach the course, such as discussions on sexual preference and demonstrations of how to use a condom. They’re also concerned that it comes from Planned Parenthood.

Pro-life evangelical leader Franklin Graham praised the parents for their involvement, CBN News reports.

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