
Friday, October 27, 2017

Pro-Abortion Liberals Walk Out After Gov’t Committee Picks Pro-Life Chair

Pro-Life MP Rachael Harder

By Lianne Laurence and Claire Chretien 
Life Site News

Ottowa: Liberal MPs immediately walked out of a House Committee on the Status of Women meeting Tuesday when a pro-life Conservative MP was nominated to chair it.

They opposed Rachael Harder, an MP representing Lethbridge, Alberta, leading the women’s committee because she is against abortion.

The Liberals hold a majority on the committee and could have voted Harder out. Their walkout shut down the meeting and prevented a vote.

They also criticized Conservative leader Andrew Scheer for nominating Harder, according to the Toronto Star. Traditionally, the opposition party gets to pick this committee’s chair.

The New Democratic Party joined the Liberals in the Harder protest. NDP MP Sheila Malcolmson, a committee Vice-Chair, said Harder’s pro-life views would make it “impossible” for her to represent the committee, reported CTV.

“Reproductive choice is at the foundation of women’s equality,” said Malcolmson, and Harder wouldn’t be able “to communicate and articulate our work.”

But Campaign Life Coalition, Canada’s national pro-life lobby group, says the Liberal walkout is evidence of the party’s abortion extremism.
“The Liberals’ problem with Rachel Harder isn’t because she has pro-life leanings; it’s because they are pro-abortion,” Johanne Brownrigg, Ottawa lobbyist for Campaign Life, told LifeSiteNews in an email.
“The NDP and Liberal MPs are not interested in representing women on the Status of Women committee. They are interested in representing abortion on the Status of Women committee,” she said.
Indeed, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a news conference on Tuesday he backed the walkout, reported the Star.
“Quite frankly, one would hope that the committee for the status of women would have a spokesperson who would be able to stand up and unequivocally defend women’s rights,” said Trudeau.
Life Site News article continues

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