
Friday, October 20, 2017

Pro-life Gillespie Narrowly Ahead in Va. Gubernatorial Contest in Latest Monmouth Poll

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

I live in Virginia so I knew from the get-go that the gubernatorial contest between pro-life Republican Ed Gillespie and pro-abortion Democrat Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam would be a barn-burner right down to November 7.

And that is why the latest poll from Monmouth University showing Gillespie up by one percentage point –48% to 47%–did not surprise me in the least. There were two other polls released Tuesday according to Steven Shepard of Politico showing Northam up by 4 and 6 points, respectively, but they are not as current as the Monmouth University poll.

As always it’s about how the polls are trending.

For example, last month the Monmouth poll had Northam up by 5 points.

The same Christopher Newport University poll that has Northam up by 4 (48% to 44%) had him in the lead by 7 (49% to 42%) just a week ago.

The lone outlier is a Roanoke College poll which had Northam up by 4 last month (47% to 43%) and 6 now (50% to 44%).

Virginia is the only state with a governor’s race in 2017. In 2018 there will be 36 gubernatorial contests.

Northam is making abortion a prominent issue in his television advertising. Not always, but in an overwhelming majority of cases, when the public knows the candidates’ positions on abortion, the advantage goes to the pro-life candidate.

In a story that ran in the October digital edition of NRL News, which went online yesterday, NRL Political Director Karen Cross wrote about the stark contrasts.

National Right to Life has endorsed Republican Ed Gillespie, a 100% pro-life candidate who will sign pro-life laws and support live-saving policies in Virginia to succeed pro-abortion Gov. Terry McAuliffe.
The Virginia affiliate of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, has endorsed Northam. They have pledged to spend $3 million in the race supporting Northam, whose record as a member of the state Assembly was solidly pro-abortion.

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