
Monday, October 16, 2017

School Allows Abortion Biz to Implant Norplant Contraceptives in Teen Girls Without Their Parents Knowing

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A Kenyan community is furious after Marie Stopes abortion business workers allegedly implanted long-lasting contraceptive devices into school girls without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

Nairobi News Nation reports abortion activists with Marie Stopes International visited the Archbishop Boniface Lele Secondary School Mang’elu in Kitui, Kenya on Wednesday, supposedly to give a presentation to school girls about health awareness.

But, unbeknownst to parents or school administrators, the abortion business also allegedly gave long-lasting birth control to dozens of teenage students. A spokeswoman for Marie Stopes refused to discuss the claims.

According to the report, about a dozen girls between ages 14 and 17 received Norplant, a rod inserted under the skin that releases hormones to prevent pregnancy. The birth control device is supposed to last up to five years.
“We are shocked that this was allowed to happen,” said Munanie Muusya, whose daughter received a Norplant. “What those people did will encourage our girls to carelessly engage in unprotected sex and that they can easily contract sexually transmitted diseases.”
Many are calling for a thorough investigation of the pro-abortion group and the school, including Sen. Enoch Wambua who represents the area.
“Exposing children to contraceptive treatment of whatever nature without the consent of their parents is unacceptable,” Wambua said.
Kenyan Catholic leaders also said they are investigating the Catholic-sponsored school.
“The Catholic strong stand against contraceptives is widely known,” Kitui Catholic Diocese Secretary for Education Father Julius Muthamba told the news outlet. “It’s sad that this happened inside a school that we sponsor, but more fundamentally the negative effect in spoiling the girls’ morally.”
School principal Andrew Kwale also was not aware of the group’s full goals until afterward. He said Marie Stopes leaders told him that they would talk to the girls about “health awareness” and that the county director of education had approved their program.
“They came with community health workers known to us and we trusted them, but we are all trying to establish what happened during the meeting,” Kwale said.
He said some of the girls were left alone with the abortion activists after the presentation, but he thought it was just for counseling.

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