
Monday, October 9, 2017

These Politicians Voted Against Saving the Lives of Children Who Can Feel Pain

By Cassy Fiano
Live Action News

On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass Trent Franks’ Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which bans abortion after 20 weeks. This shouldbe a common-sense bill; after all, the United States is just one of a handful of countries in the world that allows late-term abortion. 

Europe has much more restrictive laws on abortion than the United States does, with few countries allowing abortion past the first trimester. And Americans also overwhelmingly support bans on abortion past 20 weeks, including women. In fact, Americans support it by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.

Yet 189 representatives still voted against the bill, which passed the House in a 237-189 vote. Considering the reality of late-term abortion, this is particularly horrifying. The gruesome D&E abortion procedure, typically done up to 24 weeks gestation, is explained by former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, who has committed over 1,200 abortions. 

An abortionist uses a sopher clamp to literally rip the preborn baby apart limb from limb in this procedure, and then removes the baby’s body parts, like the intestines, spine, heart, and lungs. He finishes by finding and crushing the baby’s head:

A new study found that preborn babies in the first trimester have “adult-like” patterns of nerves, with it being almost conclusively provable that preborn babies can feel pain by 20 weeks gestation, if not earlier — possibly as early as five weeks. And late-term abortion is violent and cruel.

Still, pro-abortion advocates argue that late-term abortion is necessary, often saying that women need it for medical reasons. This is blatantly false. According to the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s former research arm, most women get late-term abortions for the same reasons they get early abortions, often for socioeconomic reasons. Only a very small percentage are due to fetal abnormalities. As for medical reasons regarding the mother, this is another falsehood:

It’s clear that there is no legitimate reason to support late-term abortion, so why did these representatives vote against banning it? Their loyalty should be to the American people, and not to the abortion industry.

These are the representatives who voted against the 20-week abortion ban. Is your representative one of them?

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