
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Woman Who Survived an Abortion at 8 Months Finds Her Birthmother

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Melissa Ohden has learned the truth about her unique birth in bits and pieces across several decades.

Ohden survived a late-term saline abortion and was adopted three months later into a loving home. Last year, after four decades, she and her birth mother met for the first time.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Ohden explained how she gradually learned about the circumstances of her mother’s abortion and her birth.

It began when she was 14 and in an argument with her sister. Ohden learned that she had been adopted after surviving a botched abortion. She said the news was difficult for her to process, especially the idea that her mother did not want her and tried to have her killed before she was born.

When she was 19, she said she decided to start looking for her birth parents anyway. Here’s more from the report:

She pored over phonebooks, newspapers on microfiche, and year books at the library, not knowing her birth mother’s name but looking for someone who looked like herself.

She also put an advert in the local newspaper appealing for anyone with information to come forward, but to no avail.

After years of futile hunting, Melissa came across a startling lead when she was 30.
‘I knew my maternal grandparents’ surname and where they had been employed, so that was a big piece of the puzzle,’ she said.
‘I was flicking through a nursing college year book when I came across a woman I suspected was my grandmother. I still didn’t know at this stage her full role in what happened
She sent them a letter, but only her grandfather wrote back.
‘He said my live birth was not the intention the day I was born. He also made it clear I wouldn’t find my birth mother through them because they were estranged from her.
‘It was evident their relationship with my mother was never the same after my birth. I couldn’t put my finger on it but I knew then something sinister had gone on.
Later, Ohden learned that her grandparents basically had forced her mother to have the abortion. Her mother was about eight-months pregnant with Ohden, though doctors at the time of the abortion estimated she was about 20 weeks along.

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