
Monday, October 9, 2017

Your Planned Parenthood Statistics

from Shawn Carney, President
40 Days for Life

Of the 375+ locations where peaceful 40 Days for Life prayer vigils are under way ... more than 150 are outside Planned Parenthood offices.

But Planned Parenthood is closing facilities at a record pace … and at least in part, they have YOU to blame for that.

Former Planned Parenthood directors report that the "no-show" rate for abortion appointments goes as high as 75% when people are out in front praying!

That is detrimental to any business -- but it's important to know that when Planned Parenthood’s business goes down, it means that lives are saved from abortion.

It's that simple. Now is the time to show up ... and pray like never before.

Planned Parenthood is still America's abortion giant … and they're still responsible for more than 300,000 abortions every year.

But whether it’s a Planned Parenthood office in your community – or an independent abortion facility or a hospital – join the closest 40 Days for Life campaign!



  1. Here is a really encouraging 40Days "podcast 77 CLOSED" about how you can defund your local child-killing center (abortion center) yourself. By being on the street praying at your local abortion mill you cause some women not to abort, that means $400 each non-abortion will not go to that abortion center that day.

  2. The abortion centers have found that the more people that show up outside of any abortion mill only increases no-show-appointments, so they tell pro-abortion supporters not to come because they only cause more women not to show up for their abortions
