
Friday, November 10, 2017

Answering Planned Parenthood's Propaganda

from American Life League's
STOPP International

As the battle against Planned Parenthood goes on, its supporters frequently write letters to the editor making claims about Planned Parenthood that are not true.

In this WSR article we provide you with facts to counter Planned Parenthood’s lies. If you have a Planned Parenthood claim you want us to check out, just e-mail it to and we will send you a rebuttal as well as print it in an upcoming edition of this report.

Today, we share a number of claims written by Ashley Casale, public affairs manager of Planned Parenthood Mid-Hudson Valley.

CLAIM: "Planned Parenthood is a respected and trusted healthcare provider in our community."

TRUTH: Planned Parenthood has seen its support among the American people collapse across the country. Since 1995 it has closed 314 centers because customers have gone elsewhere and the centers were losing money. Nationally, total unique customers have fallen from 3.1 million in 2006 to 2.4 million in 2015—a 23 percent drop. A total of 23 states are trying to take state money away from Planned Parenthood 
and the US Senate voted 49-51 to take federal funds from PP.

The purpose of STOPP International is really quite simple. We intend to cause such discontent with Planned Parenthood programs that it will have no choice but to close its doors and get out of town! That doesn't seem like too much to ask of an organization that has been ruthlessly attacking our children for years-abusing them in the womb and in the classroom.  For more information, please use this link. 

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