
Monday, November 27, 2017

I’m Not the Child of a Rapist, I’m the Child of a Rape Victim

By Rebecca Kiessling
Life News

It is a great honor to have been invited to speak at Peru’s first international pro-life conference. I’m an attorney, wife, mother of 5, international pro-life speaker and writer, and the President of Save The 1 – a global pro-life organization with a network of over 525 who were conceived in rape (like me) and mothers who became pregnant by rape who are either raising their children, birthmothers, or post-abortive and regret aborting.

Additionally, we have hundreds of parents in our network who were told to abort due to a challenging pre-natal diagnosis, or those whose parents were told to abort them. We value our lives and the lives of our children. We urge the people of Peru to continue protecting human life without exception.

I’m sure you’ve heard abortion advocates say that it’s barbaric to force a rape victim to carry “a rapist’s child.” First of all, I am not the child of a rapist – I am the child of a rape victim. My mother and I object to me being characterized otherwise. The rapist has no claim to me! Tell those who say such things, do not insult me or my mother in this way.

Secondly, it is simply barbaric to punish an innocent child for someone else’s crime. Justice dictates that in a civilized society, we punish rapists, not babies. Those who would kill innocent children are the ones who are barbaric!

I did not deserve the death penalty for the crime of my biological father. My own birthmother had tried to kill me at two illegal abortions, and was pro-choice when we met 29 years ago, but today, we are thankful we were both protected by law from the horror of abortion, just as the women and children of Peru are protected today. She said back then, the only option she was given was to abort me. She said that there were no pro-life pregnancy resource centers at the time, and no one gave her any other help or hope.

Peru has legislators who have placed gun sights on children like me. To them I say, take them off! Remove me from your scope. I am not your game to be hunted and killed. I am a person and deserve life every bit as much as you.
This targeting of life is dehumanizing and demoralizing, not just for those yet unborn, but for every person living who was conceived in violence. The sting of your hatred is palpable and life-long.

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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