
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Life Legal Appeals PP’s License to SILENCE Daleiden!

from Life Legal Defense Foundation

Life Legal attorneys appeared before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals  on behalf of David Daleiden in Planned Parenthood v. Center for Medical Progress.

At issue is Life Legal’s anti-SLAPP motion, which was denied by federal district court judge William Orrick. A SLAPP, or Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, is a lawsuit filed to suppress a defendant’s First Amendment rights to speech and petition.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America and ten of its affiliates sued the Center for Medical Progress for one purpose—to silence David Daleiden and other investigative journalists seeking to shed light on the criminal practices of the nation’s largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit seeks tens of millions of dollars in damages, which would shut down the Center for Medical Progress and, more importantly, silence others looking to expose Planned Parenthood’s illegal and unethical abortion and fetal body part harvesting methods.

Under California law, once a defendant has shown that a plaintiff’s lawsuit arises from free speech on a matter of public interest, the burden of proof shifts to the plaintiffs to prove that their claims are legally and factually sufficient to proceed with the lawsuit. In this case, we easily met the first element, showing that Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit is aimed squarely at David Daleiden’s constitutional right to publish material showing Planned Parenthood’s role in trafficking baby body parts.

But Planned Parenthood has consistently failed to meet its burden to produce evidence that the 15 separate causes of action filed against David Daleiden have any merit whatsoever.

“Since the first video was released, the abortion giant has focused on damage control by filing a lawsuit intended to silence the messenger,” said Life Legal’s Executive Director Alexandra Snyder. “The anti-SLAPP law prohibits such lawsuits, as they suppress free speech. It is our hope that the Ninth Circuit Court will apply the time-tested elements of the anti-SLAPP statute and render an opinion that protects David Daleiden’s First Amendment rights.”

Planned Parenthood is currently under active investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice. Recently the FBI requested unredacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee, which held numerous hearings after Daleiden’s videos were released. The videos showed Planned Parenthood’s willingness to negotiate the sale of baby parts for profit and resulted in the committee referring for prosecution seven of the affiliates currently suing Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress.

"The Life Legal Defense Foundation—and especially the incomparable Katie Short, lead counsel on our team of attorneys—have proved to be our greatest defenders." - David Daleiden, Center for Medical Progress

Please consider making a donation today towards David's legal defense. This is a critical time for our legal team. Planned Parenthood has summoned massive resources to silence David and others who seek to expose the abortion cartel's criminal practices. We need your help to keep up the fight!

The Life Legal Defense Foundation is a non-profit law firm that specializes in the defense of vulnerable human life, especially life in the womb. For more information on this organization or to make a donation to help them with their work, please use this link. 

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