
Monday, November 6, 2017

Miranda Was Pressured to Have an Abortion, But One Thing Saved Her Baby’s Life

"I said, this is a true, living thing. It’s not just a clump of cells that’s not moving and not living."

By Cassy Fiano
Live Action News

One of the scariest things for a teenager to face is an unexpected crisis pregnancy. And that’s exactly the situation Miranda found herself in. She wasn’t ready to be a mother. Her boyfriend was pressuring her to have an abortion. But thanks to one simple action from a nurse at a pregnancy resource center, Miranda’s preborn baby was saved.

“I bought a pregnancy test. I took it and it said positive, and I was shocked,” Miranda recalled. “I was like, ‘how could this happen to me?'” So Miranda contacted her boyfriend to let him know that she was pregnant. “And he said, ‘Okay, don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of it’,” she continued. He wanted her to have an abortion.

At first, Miranda didn’t question his decision. 

“I was finishing school, you know, I had my life ahead of me,” she explained. “How was I going to have a baby? How was I going to get pregnant and how was I going to explain it to my parents?” 

Miranda went to one of her friends for support, who went online to find resources for her. She found a pregnancy center, and that was where Miranda went. That visit would be what saved her baby’s life.

“The last thing that they did during the visit was give me an ultrasound,” she said. “And I could see on the screen next to me that there was this little… it looked like a bean. I called it a jumping bean. And it was just moving around, and it was jumping up and down. And so right at that moment, I changed my mind and I saw — I said, this is a true, living thing. It’s not just a clump of cells that’s not moving and not living. There is something living and growing and moving inside me already.”

Miranda eventually told her mother, who recommended that she go to Focus on the Family. “I started becoming more open to adoption,” Miranda said. “I knew that I needed another option, because parenting wasn’t going to be the best option for me.” 

So she met a couple, and began considering an open adoption plan with them. Nine months later, she gave birth to Hope, a healthy baby girl, who now attends elementary school and is being raised by Susan and Alex, the couple Miranda chose to be Hope’s parents.

Live Action News article continues

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

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