
Thursday, November 2, 2017


Polls are open 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.

from Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life


Tuesday, November 7, 2017, is the General Election. Voters will go to the polls to elect their State Senator, 2 Assembly Members and the next NJ Governor. Please click HERE:  for a list of our endorsed candidates for Senate and Assembly and please vote for these candidates if they are on your ballot.. We have learned that hundreds of thousands of dollars are being been poured into the districts of many of our strong, pro-life candidates at the last minute to try to defeat them so it is more important than ever that we get out the vote for our pro-life women and men running for election and re-election in these districts. Please share this information with friends and families and please consider taking neighbors and relatives to the polls to vote on Tuesday, November 7th. The polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thank you.

NJ Governor's Race

The two major party candidates running for Governor are Republican Kim Guadagno and Democrat Philip Murphy. Philip Murphy has served as Finance Chair of the Democratic National Committee, helping to elect Barack Obama. Kim Guadagno has served as Governor Chris Christie's Lieutenant Governor for the last 8 years.

As we have seen with past state and federal elections, who we elect matters a great deal regarding the ability to save precious lives. The race will be won by one of the two major party candidates. Both major party candidates have taken a pro-choice stance, but there are stark differences between the two candidates on issues that are important to pro-life voters and will save lives.

Please review the following carefully and vote for the Candidate for Governor who is more in sync with pro-life values, public policy and legislation.

Kim Guadagno ( R )
Kim Guadagno will not use Taxpayer Dollars to fund Planned Parenthood and will sign the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which will Ban Late Term Abortions. She is a proud and vocal advocate for increasing access to adoptions for families.

She has chosen Mayor Carlos Rendo as her Lt. Governor running mate, who is strongly Pro-life.

For the last 8 years, Governor Christie has saved countless lives and spared taxpayers from waste, fraud and abuse by eliminating taxpayer dollars that were used by previous administrations to fund Parenthood, while at the same time, ensuring that women's health was being funded through Federally Qualified Health Centers. Unlike Phil Murphy, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno said she would continue Governor Christie's pro-life policy and not use our taxpayer dollars to fund Planned Parenthood as long as they do abortions.

If elected, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno has told us she would advocate for and sign the NJ Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (A3452/S2026). This is a high priority issue for the Pro-life Community.

The NJ bill is sponsored by NJ Assemblyman Ron Dancer and NJ Assemblyman Anthony Bucco. The Senate version is sponsored by Senator Steve Oroho and Senator JoePennacchio. The NJ bill is also co-sponsored by a number of other pro-life Senators and Assembly Members who we endorsed and are listed below in this PolitiTracker.

This legislation would limit late term abortions performed at 20 weeks post fertilization (22 weeks gestation) and later, based on the substantial scientific evidence that babies at least at this stage can feel pain.

The NJ bill is based on the Federal Bill, H.R. 36, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives on October 3rd of this year and is awaiting a vote in the U.S. Senate.

Please click this link HERE to read NJ Congressman Chris Smith's excellent remarks on H.R. 36, The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act given on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives during the debate on the bill. Congressman Chris Smith is one of the original sponsors of the federal bill.

Phil Murphy ( D)
Phil Murphy has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood and is 100% pro-abortion and will use taxpayer money to fund Planned Parenthood. He has chosen Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver as his pick for Lt. Governor.

Assemblywoman Oliver has a 100% Pro- abortion voting record and was also endorsed by Planned Parenthood.

Phil Murphy has said funding Planned Parenthood is the Number 1 issue of his campaign.

It means a candidate must support abortion on demand (including late term abortions), be opposed to any restrictions or limitations on abortion and pledge to use the power of their office to force taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood. True to form, Murphy has repeatedly vowed publicly to not only replenish the $7.45M in taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood that were eliminated in the budget by Governor Christie for the last 8 years, but promised to even expand the amount they will receive in taxpayer dollars if elected.

While accepting Planned Parenthood's endorsement, Murphy said, "We stand with Planned Parenthood and we'll be on the right side of history." He also added, "You have my word, no matter what." 

The statement by Murphy that he will support Planned Parenthood "no matter what" is especially disturbing considering their disgraceful record.


The organization is currently under FBI investigation for breaking the law by selling baby body parts for profit and their track record here in NJ demonstrates a similar disregard for the law.

In 2011, a Planned Parenthood manager in Perth Amboy, NJ was caught on videotape aiding and abetting the sex trafficking of minors.


A 2011 inspection performed by the surveyors from the Dept. of Health found 39 deficiencies for Planned Parenthood of Mercer County for, among other things, improper use of syringes and compounds, failure to have an infection control pro- gram in place, failure to have hot running water in the facility, improper use of and sterilization of medical instruments and devices, including a vaginal ultrasound and several other sanitary and safety violations involving patient care and many other administrative deficiencies. This facility also provides "family planning services."

Similar deficiencies during this same period were also found at Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey in Shrewsbury which, like the Mercer facility, performs surgical abortions and "family planning services."(Source: OPRA Records obtained by NJRTL).

These abuses subjected an untold number of NJ women to all kinds of health risks, including STDs, pelvic and uterine infec- tion and disease, all conditions Planned Parenthood is so quick to claim they work to prevent.


An audit performed during the Corzine administration by the Federal Office of Inspector General (OIG) found that NJ Planned Parenthood clinics billed Medicaid for services that did not qualify as family planning. The charges amounted to $2,219,746 which the state was ordered to pay back to the Federal Government. The Corzine adminstration did not publicly disclose this information and did not penalize Planned Parenthood, but instead continued to increase millions in taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood every year in the budget. (Source: on2/20601010.pdf - see p.5 of the Audit).

*Paid for by New Jersey Right to Life-Political Action Committee. Permission is granted to quote with attribution. Reproduction rights granted only by express authorization. Paid for by New Jersey Right to Life-PAC, 242, Old New Brunswick Road, Suite 340, Piscataway, NJ 08854. Frank McCann, Treasurer. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Please check our website here  for latest political news.

1 comment:

  1. It is a sad day in the pro-life movement when a Right to Life organization openly endorses a pro-abortion candidate for governor. It is no wonder we have not yet ended this barbaric practice in this state with such hypocrisy. No endorsements would be better than this endorsement. Good riddance! You should rename your organization to NJ compromised on Life
