
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Pastor Childress At Smithsonian Portrait Gallery Where Margaret Sanger Bust is Displayed

Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.


As an African American it was amusing for me to see the counter protesting students on all the campuses trying to link us to the "Alt Right" Republican Advocates "Pro-life Radicals" (the pro-life movement is hardly radical and would be considered by civil rights activists of yesterday as moderate at best) but the last one was really amusing to me as a African American, protesters saying we were NAZIS??? Granted, most of the protesters who were chanting “Nazis" when they noticed myself and Jackie Hawkins CBR’s minority outreach director who is also African American they either ceased or chanted in the direction of some of our white co-laborers. It was quite confusing for them.

When given the opportunity to share with the many that calmed down enough to talk with us I would immediately seize the opportunity and asked them, “why are you calling me a Nazi?" (It was hard not to laugh but I kept a serious face) they replied, “You’re trying to take away women's rights and oppress women!" I then would say, "first we believe in the humanity of every child at conception” I would point to the picture of an aborted child in the first trimester and say, “I really believe that was a person who had no voice nor decision in the deciding of their right to life". "Do you understand why I am standing here?" "Some of these pictures you see were women.” Conversation now begins though they don't agree intellectually their conscience is whispering in their soul, he is right! It's wonderful to see the winds of resistance die down and discussion take place and precious seeds are sown!

Of course Planned Parenthood comes out in force amongst them and the gay community along with them and this leads to great exchanges. CBR’s Christ-like fashion communicates our love is not only for the child but for the delusional who are on the wrong side of the debate. I always ask the question, “Do you know Margaret Sanger?” Shockingly 98% say no. I then say “You’re calling us Nazis? What If you found out Margaret Sanger collaborated with the Nazis? Did you know Hitler mirrored their program in Germany with the tutelage of Margaret Sanger and her eugenics organization? Did you know they commended Hitler's example of eugenics to the world? You’re holding a sign from her organization and you’re calling me a Nazi?”

I asked one young African American girl, if you found out that Margaret Sanger called you a “Human Weed” would you still be holding that sign in support of Planned Parenthood? Go check it out! That young lady did not come back the next day and I hope she continues her pursuit of truth and set others free. I have video of her zealous attitude prior to learning of Sanger.

The gay community is usually the most loudest and flamboyant protestors but when the dust settles our conversations are 99% of the time respectful and understanding. I always show them that we are for them being born because if a gene were ever found (there won't be but that's the hope for justification) that if that were to happen most would be aborted. We stand against that! Every child has the right to pursue happiness; every child has been reserved the right to accept Christ’s sacrifice or reject it. We don't know the future; we cannot choose whom to die and whom to live. I also let them know God loves them unconditionally and they have to invite him in to allow Christ to work in their lives. Normally most of the gay activists don’t return the next day. I remember in Purdue none of the 15 or so chose to continue to protest us after hearing our stance and that with knowing we reject their lifestyle. Many would say, “They have the right to express their facts and beliefs even though we don't agree with all of them.” A soft answer turns away wrath, (most of the time).

Lastly, this is the first time in my lifetime in America that it is actually a downer to be a" White Male" with an opinion. This African male, I must admit, finds this amusing but I also find this quite absurd. On the other hand I was having so much fun with it I have decided to run with the trend in making my argument for life. The best one is when they say, “No old white male is going to make a decision about my body!” Then I say, "You would want the people to decide right?” "We live in a democracy correct?" (Actually a republic, but I am leading them somewhere). “Did you know five old white males gave you that right to kill your baby?” Do you still want to have that right? Think you may want to check that out, perhaps they were wrong and remember the people never decided Roe VS Wade, it was never a vote of the people it was five old white men!"

I had a great time talking to our talented, gifted and beautiful young people but many are deceived. One elderly student ran up to me at Portland State and shouted at me at the top of his lungs, “you’re cancer, a cancer, a cancer!" Well as he was shouting at me repeatedly as I stood by the railing four young "white males" were standing behind him watching my response. I gently smiled and said to the gentleman, "Have A Good Day!”, as he walked away still yelling. The four young white males approached me quickly and I didn't know what to think but all four stretched out their hands and said to me, “Thank You For Being Here" and then just as quickly went to class.

No, they weren't the only ones or gender or race that extended their thanks to us. Hundreds of students were happy to see a "conservative theme" boldly displayed in public in the bastion of liberalism and socialist ideals.

THE DAMAGING EFFECTS ON ABORTION - view below or click here to watch on YouTube

The purpose of this web site is to expose the disproportionate amount of Black babies destroyed by the abortion industry. For every two African American women that get pregnant one will choose to abort. A Black baby is 5 times more likely to be killed in the womb than a White Baby. For more information, please use this link.

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