
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Pro-Life Waco Action Update for November 2017

John Pisciotta, Director  

Pro-Life Waco

The formal Fall 40 Days for Life closes this week. “Day 41” of 40 Days for Life never ends. The broad and dynamic outreach of Pro-Life Waco continues. See the snapshot of the day ahead below this paragraph. You and I can shift to a lower life-defender gear when the day comes that Planned Parenthood ends the slaughter of the innocents in Waco. NOT at this time. We have work to do.


1. 40 Days Waco campaign noted 3 times in national 40 Days publication.

The last online article was about Shawn Carney’s visit to our rally at PP in Waco on October 24. If you missed it, check the article out.

  • Rose proclaims, “40 Days for Life” saved my baby. (Read here)

Wow! We have delivered an amazing 40 Days for Life prayer vigil. Like our God, we hate the shedding of innocent blood. And we have worked and prayed for desire for the end to this tragedy. Let us not let up. This is a matter of life and death—on this earth and in eternity

2. Hour #396 event at 6-7 p.m Saturday, Nov 4. 

I can’t wait to come together for our transition to “Day 41”—the continued flow of work and blessings from our 40 Days for Life campaign. This is the add that is running on Christian radio today.

We are calling it Hour #396 of the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil in Waco. This last hour of 40 Days for Life is 6 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, November 4. We will start with a reenactment of the Jericho March, followed by refreshments, fellowship, and music. 

A special treat will be Father Robert Verrill of the Catholic Student Center at Baylor skillfully blowing the Shofar horn. The location is Planned Parenthood at 1121 Ross Avenue in Waco.

Ellen Stanizewski is leading the musical contribution to Hour 396. Would you like to be involved with music for this event and in the future? This message is from Ellen.
Dear Pro Life singers and musicians, We will have a jam and rehearsal on Friday, Nov. 3, at 7PM at the Pro-Life Waco office at 4209 W. Waco Drive. 
Join us for fun, worship, and music. Bring your instruments and your voices.  
All are welcome. Call me if you have any questions. Blessings, Elle Staniszewski 832-607-6449

3. Nov 12, Second Sunday is Prayer Volunteer Appreciation Day

Pro-Life Waco’s regular Second Sunday Ecumenical Pro-Life Gathering will be dedicated to the blessings of Fall 40 Days for Life and all the individuals, families, and churches who contributed to the prayer outreach. Special meal. Special speakers. St. Mary’s Parish Hall. 1424 Columbus Ave.  (corner of Columbus & 15th Street) Meal is served noon to 1 p.m. Then program and joyful interaction is 1-2. Great Italian luncheon is free to all prayer volunteers and their family members. Buffet luncheon served all through the noon hour. Program is from 1-2 p.m. We have never had a Second Sunday gathering like this.

4. Nov 12: We Protest Planned Parenthood Banquet fundraiser in Austin.

Our departure by van pool will be soon after the completion of Second Sunday. Spend the day defending God’s precious little ones. Austin PP brought abortion to Waco. We must let them know we will never accept this. For those of you who have begun life-defender outreach with 40 Days for Life, we want you to continue in other pro-life activities. See all the details on our outreach in Austin in the action snapshot at the beginning of this message. This is great fun, fellowship, and impaction. If you will join us, just respond to this email. Don’t hesitate. You can and should do this.

You have responded so faithfully in 40 Days for Life to the imposition of abortion into Waco.

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