
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

“There Are No Unwanted Children, Only Unfound Parents”

By Jean Garton
National Right to Life

Editor’s note. November is Adoption Awareness Month. NRL News Today has run adoption related stories, new and previously posted, all this month. The following was written by the late Dr. Jean Garton, author of the pro-life classic “Who Broke the Baby?”

In a classroom of six-year-olds, the teacher was discussing a picture of a family. One of the children featured had a different hair color than did the other family members. A little girl in the class said maybe that was because the boy had been adopted.
“I know all about adoptions,” she said, “because I was adopted.” “What does that mean if you’re adopted?” asked a classmate. “It means,” said the little girl, “that you grew in your mommy’s heart instead of her tummy.”
In its defense of mother and unborn child, the pro-life movement has always been a strong proponent of adoption. Yet there are whole organizations that exist for the sole purpose of aborting the adoption option. They believe that babies are better dead than with parents who are not theirs by birth.

When the founder of an anti-adoption group was asked how she would counsel a teenage daughter who became pregnant, she said she would counsel her daughter “first to keep the baby, second to have an abortion, third to commit suicide, and only fourth to put the baby up for adoption.”

Why all the hostility? A National Review article once suggested several reasons including…

1. In order for abortion to be legal and accepted, the unborn child has to be seen as the woman’s property.
2. Every happy adoptee is a reminder to aborting mothers of the road not taken.
Adoption is a tried and true family-building option. Adoption, all in all, has served women, children, and society very well.

As one professional noted, 

“There are no unwanted children, only unfound parents.”
In the United States today there are millions of couples seeking to adopt. There are numerous reasons. Here are two.
First, the number of infertile couples in the U.S. exceeds one million, and even recent advances in reproductive technology can only help one in five.
 Second, America’s annual abortion rate of over one million drastically reduces the number of children available for adoption.
The desperation of childless couples is evident in ads which appear daily in newspapers across the country. The following are actual placements. 

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