
Sunday, November 12, 2017

UN Human Rights Committee Formally Excludes Unborn Child from “Right to Life”

UN Committee Condemns Unborn Children to Abortion

By Stefano Gennarini, J.D.
Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam)

NEW YORK, November 3 (C-Fam) Despite pleas from more than one hundred governments and pro-life organizations, including the United States and Poland, the UN Human Rights Committee has excluded unborn children from the right to life in international law this week in Geneva. 

“I was worried for a minute we would discuss the word limit for separate opinions,” joked Yuval Shany. The Israeli law professor was mocking pro-life concerns as the committee rushed through a second reading of a controversial draft commentary on the right to life in what is perhaps the most important UN human rights treaty.

Continue reading this C-Fam article here

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