
Thursday, November 30, 2017

UN Human Rights Committee Pushes Abortion as a “Preventative Measure” to ”Avoid” Down Syndrome

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

As if aborting approximately 90 percent of unborn babies with Down syndrome is not enough, some United Nations leaders want more.

Earlier this month, UN Human Rights Committee member Yadh Ben Achour argued that the group should continue supporting abortion as a “preventive measure” against babies with disabilities, Breitbart reports.
“If you tell a woman, ‘Your child has Dow…’ — what is it called? Down syndrome, Dawn syndrome — if you tell her that, or that he may have a handicap forever … it should be possible for her to resort to abortion to avoid the handicap as a preventive measure,” Ben Achour said (translated from French).
The Tunisian lawyer said he is an “ardent defender of the handicapped,” but he sees no problem with babies with disabilities being aborted as long as they are in the womb.
“[This] doesn’t mean that we are against the disabled or that we won’t help the disabled when born disabled,” Ben Achour said. “But that does not mean that we have to accept to let a disabled fetus live. This is a preventive measure.”
Birth is the line Ben Achour drew to determine a baby’s worth. He argued that society only has an obligation to help people with disabilities who are already born.
“So this is where we will find the difference between the birth of the human being. Once he is born, it is finished; with a handicap or without a handicap, he must live and we must protect absolutely, in an absolute manner, his right to life,” he said.
“So us, we defend the right of the handicapped, but, but we can avoid the handicaps, and we must do everything we can to avoid them,” Ben Achour continued. “And it is not contradictory.”
Studies indicate that unborn babies with Down syndrome already are targeted for abortions at very high rates. A CBS News report earlier this year shocked the nation by reporting that Iceland has an almost 100-percent abortion rate for unborn babies with the genetic disorder. Other studies put the rate in the United States somewhere between 60 percent and 90 percent.

Parents whose unborn babies have Down syndrome or other disabilities also frequently report feeling pressure to have abortions. In 2016, a Florida mom’s letter to her doctor went viral after she exposed how the doctor pressured her to abort her unborn daughter with Down syndrome. Courtney Baker said she wanted her former doctor to see how valuable her daughter’s life is and how wrong it is to pressure anyone to have an abortion.

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