
Monday, December 4, 2017

Another Puff Piece About a Man Who Aborts Babies “At Any Stage of a Pregnancy”

Leroy Carhart, Late Term Abortionist
By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

Any story about late-term (and I do mean late term) abortionist LeRoy Carhart is really thinly disguised propaganda in service of justifying abortions so far along in pregnancy it makes even most abortionists blanch.

The justification for Alexandra Svokos to write a piece about Carhart for EliteDaily is to burnish Carhart’s self-described reputation as a pro-woman champion whose noble work was made more difficult when pro-lifers “forced” him to close his Germantown Reproductive Health Services in Germantown, Maryland in August. (That is not true, by the way, as we’ll discuss momentarily.)

Didn’t he successfully challenge a Nebraska state law? Why was he aborting babies into the third trimester in suburban Maryland, you might ask? Because Nebraska subsequently passed the first pain-capable unborn child protection act and Carhart lost a lucrative source of money.

Hold that thought.

The most interesting notion in Svokos’s piece (besides recycling the meme of Carhart as martyr selflessly working to “serve women”) is this gem from Chelsea Souder, a spokesperson for Carhart’s new abortion clinic which he opened in October down the road a piece in Bethesda, Maryland.
“Everything that all the anti-abortion extremists do actually drives us harder into our work, essentially. It kind of has the opposite effect, I think, of what they are going for when it comes to trying to intimidate and threaten and harass abortion providers. It’s not going to stop us.”
What is the “work” that pro-lifers are “driv[ing] Carhart’s crew to work “harder” at? To quote Svokos, “He is one of just four doctors in the country who provides abortions at any stage of a pregnancy.”
And for that noble enterprise, “he has been continuously targeted.”
You can read the entire flattering profile here so let me end by returning to money and Carhart.

In her first paragraph Svokos tells us that the abortion clinic where Carhart worked “was forced to close” when a prolife group that “protested the clinic and ran a crisis pregnancy center across the parking lot, bought the space.”

But as we reported at the time, using a pro-abortion source (a rabidly pro-abortion columnist for the Washington Post), it was about money. Todd Stave owned the Germantown clinic.

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