
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Catholic Archbishop: “Abortions Violate the Rights of the Unborn. It’s Willful Killing of Innocent Life”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Catholic Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa of Malawi urged the nation’s political leaders to continue protecting unborn babies’ lives during a November conference in the capital of Lilongwe.

Many African nations are facing intense global pressure to legalize the killing of unborn babies. Malawi lawmakers currently are considering a bill to allow abortions in cases of rape, fetal anomalies and threats to the mother’s physical or mental health, despite strong opposition by their own citizens.

Crux reports Msusa, speaking at the World Congress of Families two weeks ago, said the country must continue protecting both mother and child.
“We believe that life begins at conception; sacredness and sanctity of human life; both the mother and unborn child have the right to life and that all instances of direct abortions are a violation of the rights of the unborn because it is a willful killing of innocent life,” the archbishop said.
Msusa continued: 
“We note in particular that there are some worrisome trends in our democratization and emancipation that push for a worldview independent of and side-lining God, and making human beings dependent on their own intellect, determining for themselves what is right and what is wrong. We are saddened to read that religion should not regulate morals.”
The theme of the conference was “The African Family and Cultural Colonization.”

Last December, thousands of Malawi residents marched in protest of abortion across the country after news broke about the legislation. The march demonstrated how strong the public opposition to abortion is in Malawi.

Msusa suggested that lawmakers allow voters to decide by referendum whether to legalize abortion, according to the report.

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