
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Is for Angels, Not Abortion. Waco Rally with Abby Johnson

From John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

Last Tuesday, Pro-Life Waco acknowledged Christmas with the rally at the "Wound in Waco." The Wound in Waco is the new Planned Parenthood facility at 700 West Hwy 6. The name of the rally was Christmas is for Angels, Not Abortions. The specific purpose of this message is to give you an account of this terrific rally which received a big assist from Abby Johnson coming up from Round Rock.

Before I get to the rally, I want to hit a few brief but highly important bullet points.

  • For Planned Parenthood, the Christmas season IS for abortion. PP in Waco will commit abortions this Wednesday-Thursday-Friday, December 27 28 and 29. We are well covered with sidewalk counselors. What would be great is to have dozens of life defenders out by the Grassy public right-of-way with prayer support and public witness. That prayer could certainly be musical.
  • This past Friday, December 22 was our second and final Christmas Caroling event. This will be at Planned Parenthood on Highway 6 from 4:30 to 6 PM. Come out for a great evening of music, fellowship, and public witness. If it rains we will have a large canopy to shield you.
  • Our Wednesday Rosary for Life continues through the rest of the year and on throughout 2018. Begins at 9 a.m. Of course, this is at the new Planned Parenthood facility. Again, come out to be a part of life-defender outreach in prayer, fellowship and public witness.
  • I want you to participate in the challenge we face in 2018 and know what we've done together in 2017. Here is a link to our two-page 2017 Year in Review.I believe you will find it quite interesting and, also, motivating for what we are called to do in the year ahead.
  • 2017 was the most active and expensive year of the two decades of Pro-Life Waco. This will continue as we face in challenging Planned Parenthood at the new $4.3 million Planned Parenthood facility. If you are not already donated to Pro-Life Waco in 2017, or wish to make an additional donation, you can reach out to us at PO BOX 7771, Waco, TX 76712 or
  • Defending babies from death and moms from sorrow should be important for Christians. If you donate to ministries outside your own church, I respectfully ask you to include Pro-Life Waco. 
  • Let us continue to pray for the embrace of the Gospel of Life. Come pray in the public right of way at Planned Parenthood any time or where ever you may be.

Now our Christmas Rally:

The Holy Spirit was moving strongly for our Christmas is for Angels, Not Abortion rally at Planned Parenthood on December 19 was amazing.

The background for the rally is that Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas resumed abortions in Waco in May of 2017. Then, PPGT announced its new abortion facility in Waco in mid-November. By mid-December Planned Parenthood was in high gear performing abortions on moms and babies from dozens Texas counties in their marketing area east and west of Interstate 35.

One of the year’s pro-life responses to the return of abortion was this Christmas for Angels rally with Abby Johnson volunteering her support for our outreach to save babies, and counsel moms, and end the abortion in Waco. We wanted to highlight the callous depravity of killing babies and leaving mom with horrendous memories of Christmas 2017. Thank you so much Abby for driving to Waco on a rainy day and energizing the Rumble in Waco.

Three words stand out in my mind from Abby’s message—truth, compassion, and dedication. We have the truth on our side. We must proclaim it far and wide, including our Christmas interactions with friends and family. We must be compassionate as we interact to advance the Culture of Life – with abortion-minded moms and dads, abortion supporters, our friends and relatives, and those with whom we have fleeting engagements. And we must be dedicated to this ministry of the Gospel of Life. Not for just a day. Not for just a month. But as long as the HWY 6 wound of abortion inflicts its harm on Central Texas.

The positive impact on site was multiplied many times by great press coverage from KXXV and KWTX local news. Each featured our rally with segments on two of their evening news programs. A very favorable 2-minute clip is now on the KXXV website for you to view and share far and wide:

KXXV effectively brought out Abby’s personal experiences and her message for the future. The brief quote from Planned Parenthood’s Stephanie Mabry was anemic. She was quite a contrast to our dynamic foot soldiers at the rally

Here’s something I found quite interesting. The journalist referred to the new Planned Parenthood in Waco four times and use the word “facility”. NOT ONCE did she call it a “clinic.” Some in the press are learning the realities!

I didn’t count, but I think we had around 60 attending on a rainy, dreary day. Many hundreds saw the rally while driving Highway 6 and honked their support. And the news coverage brought our message to thousands in the Central Texas area, which Planned Parenthood in Waco targets for abortions.

Here is a cute story about the honk signs. One of the Kirby family daughters, who had participated in 40 Days for Life and Life Chain, came up to me after I had set out all the signs that I thought we needed. She said, “Mr. Pisciotta, shouldn’t we have HONK signs?” I said you are right and went to “Carolyn” the billboard truck for the signs.

Let’s keep stepping up to the plate. We never strike out. There is nothing wrong with hitting a single. Occasionally, we hit a homerun.

I pray for abundant blessings at Christmas for the growing life-defender remnant in Central Texas and beyond.


Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.


Voices for Life is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link.  Follow us on FacebookGoogle, and Pinterest.  Help us spread the pro-life message by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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