
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

City Government in Waco has Declared War on “Carolyn” the Pro-life Billboard Truck

from John Pisciotta, Director 

Pro-Life Waco

On November 16, Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas announced the opening of its new 9000 square foot facility on the busy HWY 6 location in Waco. It did not take long for Planned Parenthood to link up with city government to push the PLW billboard truck away from the PP abortuary. For over a decade, Pro-Life Waco has parked the billboard truck adjacent to abortion facilities of two prior locations.

On November 27, I received a call from a Waco police officer demanding that I remove the billboard truck from the city street across from PP or have it towed. He claimed this violated a city ordinance that a commercial vehicle can only be parked at the side of a city street for the time it takes to conduct its commercial business. I told the police officer that our business was saving pre-born babies from the deadly attacks of Planned Parenthood. He did not accept my definition of business.

So, our next move was to park the billboard truck in a nearby medical clinic parking lot. I obtained permission through the intercession of Deborah McGregor, CEO of our local Care Net Pregnancy Center.

Today at 4 p.m. I received a call from a City of Waco Zoning Inspector. He claimed I could not park on this private property (even with permission) since the truck amounted to a billboard.

Carolyn the pro-life billboard truck has been very powerful, I believe life-saving, by being parked near PP’s Waco holocaust sites. I am looking closely at the law and will try to find a way to get Carolyn back into the battle.

PS - The billboard truck is named for Carolyn Knowles, the 91-year-old grandmother of the life-defender movement in Central Texas. The real Carolyn now resides in Galveston with her daughter.


Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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