
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Doctor Accused of Slipping Abortion Pill Into Pregnant Girlfriend's Tea, Killing Baby

By Samuel Smith
Christian Post

A New York woman is speaking out after her boyfriend of three years killed their unborn child by slipping an abortion pill into her drink.

WROC reported Tuesday that 32-year-old Dr. Sikander Imran has been arrested and is facing multiple charges after he allegedly slipped the drug Misoprostol into his pregnant girlfriend's tea while she was 17 weeks pregnant.

Brook Fiske of Farmington, New York, recently told the Rochester-based news outlet that the crime occurred when she traveled down to Arlington, Virginia, to visit Imran, who she said she had been dating on and off for the past three years and had recently moved south.

According to Fiske, she made the trip to discuss with Imran how they were going to raise their child. Fiske claims that Imran never wanted to have the child and asked her to get an abortion. However, that was a demand that Fiske could not agree to.

It was during her trip that Fiske says she was drugged by her baby's father.
"When I was drinking my tea in the evening I got to the bottom of the cup. There was a gritty substance in there and when I looked at it, I could tell that it was a pill that had been ground up," Fiske told the news outlet.
It was only a few hours later before Fiske began having contractions.
"He [Imran] immediately started crying and said that he was a horrible person and that he had done what I thought he did," Fiske said.
Fiske rushed to the Virginia Hospital Center in an attempt to save her child, but to no avail.

She was informed by a nurse that she had Misoprostol, a medication used to induce labor, in her system.

"According to the nurse at the hospital it's 200 milligrams to induce labor," Fiske asserted. "So he gave me 800."
According to court documents, Imran was taken into police custody in May and charged with cause of abortion and premeditated killing of a fetus of another, WROC reports.

Fiske added that she last saw Imran when she testified against him in June.

"It was very empowering for me to face him and say what he had done ... and look him in the face while I said that," Fiske said.
According to Newsweek, Imran had a license to practice medicine in the District of Columbia and was also a former hematology fellow at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. However, questions remain as to how he got a hold of the abortion pill used in the crime.

Fisk is a registered nurse licensed in New York.

Although Imran was supposed to stand trial this week, WROC reports that his trial has been pushed back to March 2018 because he is likely to face even more charges.

News of Sikander's actions has also sparked discussions on social media.

"This is one of the most disgusting stories I've heard all year," DailyWire writer Elliot Hamilton wrote on Twitter. "Yes, this should be first-degree murder. Yes, the unborn child is a person. Where's the Left's condemnation?"
Website: Christian Post

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