
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Former Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Manager: “It’s a Demonic Organization”

Trevino said the “real love” that pro-life advocates displayed helped her to leave her job and embrace the pro-life message

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

The longer Ramona Trevino worked at Planned Parenthood, the more troubled her conscience became.

Trevino said she initially justified her job by reasoning that she worked at one of Planned Parenthood’s non-abortion facilities. But she eventually quit when it became apparent that her employer was hurting women more than helping them.

“I knew what I was doing was wrong,” Trevino said in an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation. “I was still involved in a demonic organization. There’s no other word you can use for what takes place.”
Pregnant at 16, she dropped out of high school and entered an abusive marriage, which ended in divorce. Wanting to make a difference and to help girls in similarly tough situations, she accepted a job as the manager of a Planned Parenthood facility in Sherman, Texas. Over time, however, Trevino began to grapple with whether she was doing women more harm than good, setting her on a path to seek the truth, no matter where it might lead.
“I was forced and challenged to look at my own beliefs and actions. I couldn’t continue to be indifferent,” she said.
Travino told the foundation that she felt troubled by the number of appointments they scheduled with girls as young as 12 for contraception and abortion referrals. She said they also saw a lot of young women who had STDs and multiple sex partners. It became apparent to her that Planned Parenthood was focused on the numbers, not its patients’ well-being.
“They are being groomed as future abortion patients because Planned Parenthood promotes a promiscuous lifestyle,” she said. “We’re not discouraging them from having sex at a young age. We have monthly quotas to meet. They’re just numbers.”
She also said she witnessed Medicaid fraud – something other former Planned Parenthood employees also have said.
“I started to connect the dots and realize that it all goes together,” she said.
In 2011, she quit her job. Later, she began speaking out about her experiences, and became involved in the 40 Days for Life campaign. She also wrote a book “Redeemed by Grace.”

Earlier this year, she helped to expose another one of the abortion chain’s lies. Trevino said Planned Parenthood did not fulfill its promises to train staff to identify and help sexual abuse victims after its employees were caught willing to help sex traffickers cover up abuses of young girls.

Instead, Trevino said her former employer taught them how to identify undercover journalists.

“When were called into this meeting, I went in really believing that … they really do care about women and this is something that really concerns them,” Trevino told Live Action. “They begin to play all of the previous undercover investigations that had been put out about Planned Parenthood, and I became very perplexed.
“As time went on, I raised my hand and said, ‘I’m confused. When are we going to actually begin the retraining? What can I do as a manager to take this information back to my staff and enforce policies and procedures that would help protect women?’ [The Planned Parenthood speaker] immediately shot me down. She said, ‘We’re not here to talk about that.’”
Trevino said the “real love” that pro-life advocates displayed helped her to leave her job and embrace the pro-life message. She said her desire is to help workers leave the abortion industry and help women who have had abortions heal.

Website: Life News

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