
Friday, December 8, 2017

Millions Miss Out on Joys of Grandparenting by Following Liberal Lies on Abortion

"I must confess to being an overly satisfied grandparent. It is an unbelievable blessing and joy."

By Jerry Newcombe
Christian Post

An acquaintance once asked Winston Churchill if he had shown the statesman a picture of his grandchild. Churchill replied, saying something like: "No. And I have forgotten to thank you for that." 

I must confess to being an overly satisfied grandparent. It is an unbelievable blessing and joy. But tragically, tens of millions of fellow Americans will never experience this joy. Many of them will miss out because they have followed the siren song of the liberals and have chosen abortion over birth. It's too late to reach them, but it's not too late to reach the next generation.

Of course, this doesn't mean that there are not many grandparents in America who favor abortion rights. But the joy they know as grandparents came because they and their children chose birth over abortion.

Note the anti-child bias that can be seen from the woman who gave birth to Planned Parenthood. (11/17/17) has some shocking quotes from Margaret Sanger: "But for my view, I believe that there should be no more babies" (1947).
Nor did Margaret Sanger think highly of large families: "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it" (1920). Nor black babies: "We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population..." (1939).

Sadly millions have listened to her advice. The Guttmacher Institute says that thirty percent of American women will have an abortion by age 45.

On top of the deaths of the aborted children, this comes with medical consequences. Research in the UK documents that having at least one abortion may increase the likelihood of giving birth to a premature baby later. 

This was based on a University of Aberdeen study involving 620,000 women between 1981 and 2007. The U.K. Daily Mail (9/4/12) says: "Having just one abortion could raise the risk of potentially life-threatening problems in future pregnancies."

The article notes: "surgical abortions may be more likely to damage the womb, leading to later problems."

The late John Wilkie, M.D., was for years the president of the National Right-to-Life in Washington, D.C. He and his wife compiled the book, Abortion: Questions and Answers (2003). They noted: "Women who had one induced abortion had a 17.5% miscarriage rate in subsequent pregnancies as compared to a 7.5% rate in a non-aborted group." (p. 163).

At the birth of my first grandchild, I was so excited. I knew it was going to be great to be a grandfather. But I didn't know it would be as great as it really is---like the phone call the other night asking, "Papa, will you take me to Chuck E. Cheeses'?" Of course, I replied with delight, "Elizabeth, I'd be happy to take you and Isaac there."

Tewannah Aman knows firsthand the pain of missing out of parenthood by following the abortion lies. Today, she and her husband, John, serve as directors of the Broward County Right to Life.

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