
Friday, December 29, 2017

Rapper Eminem’s Powerful New Song “River” is a Sorrowful Apology to an Aborted Child

by Corinne Weaver

In an unexpected twist, noted rapper Eminem has released a single that details his experience with abortion. The media hailed his new album, Revival, as an anti-Trump anthem, but they missed an important detail.

While the artist is best known for his rape-raps and angry diatribes against society, one single, “River,” took a different approach. The song is a detailed confession of an affair, an abortion, and the regret that came after. Whether fictional or based on reality, River is a powerful cry for forgiveness for the wrong he’s done to the aborted baby (the “little one” mentioned in the refrain) and the mother.

The lyrics tell the whole story, sparing no detail: Eminem admitted to being a serial cheater, “a sex addict,” who began an affair with a woman, “Suzanne.” After what started as a one-night-stand, which left her feeling “deserted and used,” Eminem tried to cover all evidence of their liaison. However, the woman became pregnant.

In a panic, the rapper pushed for an abortion, “We can’t bring her in this world, shoulda knew/To use protection.” He didn’t dance around the issue, but was brutally honest: “I made you terminate my baby.” ‘Baby,” the proper term for an unborn child, but one major media outlets hide from.

Afterwards, Eminem felt that “the person who I’m turning into’s/Irreversible.” He confessed that not only did he take advantage of the woman, but also the abortion and the destruction of the woman’s relationship have made him a hypocrite. He said that when he got “on my soapbox and preach, my sermon and speech,” his mistake was like “detergent and bleach is burnin’ the wound.”

Article continues here 

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