
Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Supreme Court Said They Weren't People - They Were Proven Wrong

Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

Whenever great moral sicknesses infect a society, the road to recovery is usually long and rough.

And as you know, it's been forty-four years since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.

That 7-2 decision by unelected judges overturned laws in all 50 states and legalized the killing of more than 60 million unborn babies.

You see, in Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court said that unborn babies weren't "persons."

But Roe v. Wade wasn't the first time the Supreme Court denied legal protection to certain people.

In 1857, the Supreme Court decided Dred Scott v. Sandford.

This case, another 7-2 decision, declared that African Americans were not persons, and therefore had no legal protection or rights.

But just declaring it so didn't change the facts.

You and I know that the abolitionists continued to fight, and ultimately the rights of all born people were secured regardless of race.

And you and I must show the same resolve in ensuring that the right to life is protected for all unborn persons as well.

That's why your National Pro-Life Alliance is fighting to pass the Life at Conception Act to legislatively bypass Roe v. Wade.

Thanks to you and other National Pro-Life Alliance members, we have a record level of pledged supporters for the Life at Conception Act in Congress.

And as support for the Life at Conception Act continues to grow, I have no doubt that you and I will ultimately overturn Roe v. Wade and end abortion-on-demand.

The National Pro-Life Alliance occupies a unique and important role in the pro-life movement. The focus of many other pro-life organizations is research, publications or counseling. These are all important and worthy activities, but the National Pro-Life Alliance is singular in its focus on passing pro-life legislation that will protect the unborn from the moment of conception onward. For more information on the National Pro-Life Alliance or to make a donation, please use this link.

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