
Monday, December 18, 2017

Upcoming Pro-Life Events Begin Tuesday, Dec 12th in West Chester, Pa.


from Paulette Matthews
Chester County Pro-Life Coalition

Below are some pro-life events taking place starting this Tuesday sponsored by the Chester County Pro-Life Coalition.

  • December 12 Tuesday Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Hour Prayer Vigil in front of PP 8 S. Wayne Street, West Chester starting at 12 Noon. (see Facebook event page by clicking here). 

  • December 22nd Christmas Caroling in West Chester PP at 10 Am for an hour. Address is 8 S. Wayne Street, West Chester, Pa. 
  • December 28th Feast of the Holy Innocents Prayer services: at SS Peter and Paul Church, 1325 Boot Road, West Chester after the 8:30 mass and at SS Simon and Jude, 8 Cavanaugh Ct., West Chester, Pa after the 9 AM mass.  (see Facebook event page by clicking here). 
  • January 21st Sunday St Agnes Catholic Church, 233 Gay St. West Chester, Pa. Chester County March for Life. 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM March to old Courthouse for short service then to the Knights of Columbus Hall, 110 W. Market St., WC. For a social gathering and snacks. 

The mission of the Chester County Pro-Life Coalition is to promote respect and protection for all human life by informing and educating the people of Chester County, Pennsylvania. For more information, please visit their website using this link.

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