
Monday, January 1, 2018

Help Created Equal Save Lives in 2018

Mark Harrington, National Director
Created Equal

Columbus, OH – Dec 29, 2017 – Thanks to you, Created Equal reached new milestones in 2017. #ProjectWeakLink forced multiple medical waste haulers—including America’s largest, Stericycle—to stop enabling abortion. Our Justice Ride and Road Trip for Life teams reached dozens of high school and college campuses. See below snapshots from just the latter portion of the year.


The JumboTron tour was one part of a new project launched this fall: the Road Trip for Life. For one month, we sent a core team on the road through six states to create public debate every day.

Our team started their mornings counseling outside an abortion facility. Next, they set up a display on a college campus. Finally, they took their signs to a nearby high school.

Abortion defenders tried to stop them. In Muncie, IN, a school resource officer dismantled our signs. In Ypsilanti, MI, a police officer concocted a nonexistent law to trample our First Amendment rights to demonstrate on public property. Watch for updates as our legal team pursues these incidents.

We will be fielding a Road Trip for Life team again spring semester!


Nothing captivates a crowd like Created Equal’s JumboTron

This fall included a tour with the JumboTron through Kentucky, a state with only one abortion facility left. On the massive screen, we broadcast footage of abortion procedures caught on camera. The tour stopped by University of Louisville, Eastern Kentucky University, and University of Kentucky.

At University of Kentucky, the largest pro-abortion counter-protest I’ve seen in years on a campus assembled in response. But even the leader of the protest, UK Feminist Alliance President Sydney Tate, couldn’t help admitting on video, "Walking up to this made me cry, because it's so upsetting."

Even those who want to keep abortion legal can’t avoid the truth when they see it before their eyes.

The JumboTron is going national in 2018!


Following the successful campaign focused on Stericycle, Created Equal launched phase two of #ProjectWeakLink on November 7, aimed at persuading Specific Waste Industries to stop enabling the abortion cartel by disposing of aborted babies.Just three days later, Specific Waste revealed that they had ceased to provide medical waste services for Kentucky’s last remaining abortion facility and Planned Parenthood centers in the Midwest. Watch the video here.

#ProjectWeakLink is going national in 2018!


Day by day, year by year, campus by campus, we are becoming more effective in our fight for the hearts and minds of the American people. With your continued prayers and financial support, 2018 will be our best year ever. For the sake of preborn children, it must be.

Created Equal is a social action movement seeking to end the greatest human rights injustice of our time. Killing preborn babies is nothing less than age-based discrimination. Abortion robs us of our future. Our goal is to restore the true meaning of equality to include equal protection between the born and the preborn.

For more information on Created Equal, or to help them with their work, please use this link.   

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