
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

In Waco: Regrettably Abortion, Second Sunday, 40 Days for Life, Life Chain

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

1. Abortion in Waco this Wednesday Thursday and Friday.

These are the days that test our commitment to struggle against the deplorable injustice of abortion. Abortions will be this Wednesday/Thursday/Friday at the Planned Parenthood Abortion Center at 700 W HWY 6.  Let us be there in prayer, public witness, and in solidarity with the helpless babies whose lives are endangered. This is not what most of us ideally want to do. THIS IS WHAT WE MUST DO. Being “there” is not an act of comfortable Christianity but rather committed Christianity. On Wednesday, a group gathers at 9 AM on the public right-of-way to pray a Rosary for Life and other prayers. You are welcome to join. Come out any time (8 to 5 p.m.) to pray along with a family member or friends.

I love this Facebook banner of Lauren Hardy who is a sidewalk counseling dynamo in the Washington DC area.

To some extent, let’s take our cue from “Lauren of DC” and “Joan of Arc”. Let’s not back away from sacrificial virtue.

2. Second Sunday Ecumenical Pro-Life Gathering on Jan 14 is 40 Days for Life Launch Day

We did not have a Second Sunday Gathering in December. We come back together at a critical time for the launch of 40 Days for Live at HWY 6. We moved 40 Days for Life up from the fall to the spring because of the horrible wound inflicted upon Central Texas by PP executive in Austin. Forty Days for Life will begin February 14. I am happy to let you know that the oh-so-effective Aine Fitzgerald will again the Director of 40 Days for Life Waco. For you newcomers, our director’s first name is pronounced like Sonya, except without the “S”. We need you praying and promoting. We do not want abortion at 700 W HWY 6 in Waco. We will work and we will pray to proclaim this message. I look forward to the fellowship, food, and action planning of Second Sunday on January 14. The meal, just $3 for adults, will be served throughout the noon hour. Meeting is from 1-2 p.m. We will also discuss our special 45th Roe “Anniversary” event on Monday, January 22. Additionally, all who want to join, can vanpool to the Rally for Life in Austin on Saturday, January 27.

3. Care Net Sanctity of Human Life BBQ and Bake Sale on Sunday, January 21.


Life defenders of Central Texas are faithful. We also like food and fun. This is one of our “party” events of the year and an opportunity to say thank you to Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas. The terrific BBQ meal is provided for a free will offering. You will also I have an opportunity to sign up for a prayer hour for 40 Days for Life.

The location for the festivities is Crestview Church of Christ.

4. Good Life Chain on Sunday.

We had about a dozen bundled up and holding signs and babies. Many honked as they drove by. In view of the life and death struggle we face, I believe there should be more participation in Life Chain. Could we have a goal of 2 dozen on February 4? Might that include you?


Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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