
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Judge Slams Parental Notification Law, Claims Teen Girls Have a “Constitutional Right to Abortion”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge criticized Indiana on Friday for trying to help ensure that parents are aware when their minor daughter has an abortion.

Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union are challenging the state law, which requires abortion facilities to obtain proof of consent from a parent or legal guardian before a minor daughter gets an abortion. 

The law gives parents/legal guardians a civil recourse if someone fraudulently poses as a parent in order for a minor girl to get an abortion, and it makes sure parents are aware if a minor appears before a judge to request an abortion without parental consent.

“This seems designed to encourage interference with a girl’s constitutional right to an abortion,” U.S. Circuit Judge Illana Rovner said.

Courthouse News reports Rovner and two other judges on the court considered an appeal to uphold the law Friday.

The ACLU of Indiana claimed the law violates young girls’ constitutional rights by imposing “new burdens” on their access to abortion. They also contended that young girls may seek abortions because of abusive home environments – an argument that does not make sense because the law allows a judge to wave the parental consent requirement in such cases.

On Friday, Indiana Solicitor General Thomas Fisher emphasized the importance of parents knowing when their daughter has a medical procedure, especially one as physically and emotionally traumatizing as an abortion.
“Parents have a right to know what’s happening to their children,” Fisher said. “Planned Parenthood cannot show this law will inevitably interfere with the abortion rights of minors.”
However, the appeals court judges appeared to agree with the abortion activists. According to the report: Judge [David] Hamilton voiced particular concern for girls in foster care, who have a much higher rate of abortions.

Kenneth Falk, an attorney challenging the law for Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, or PPINK, seized on the same point.

“Evidence shows that notice will lead to abuse – both physical and emotional,” Falk said. “Evidence shows women will be cast out of their homes.”

Parental notification/parental consent laws have strong public support. Currently, 37 states require some type of parental involvement in a minor’s abortion, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

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