
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Pro-Life Nurse Forced to Assist Late-Term Abortion Will be Speaker Paul Ryan’s State of the Union Guest

“Laws protecting religious freedom and conscience rights are just empty words on paper if they aren’t enforced."

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Speaker Paul Ryan has chosen a pro-life guest to sit in the Congressional chamber during tonight’s State of the Union Address.

Ryan’s guest is a pro-life nurse who was forced to assist in am late-term abortion. Her presence will help spotlight the important conscience rights issues that medical professionals face who don’t want to be forced to be involved at abortions. It also highlights the recent actions president Donald Trump took to provide additional legal protection for such pro-life doctors and nurses.

In 2009, while working at a hospital in New York, nurse Cathy Cenzon-DeCarlo was forced to assist with a late-term abortion. Though she objected on grounds of violating her religious beliefs, the hospital threatened disciplinary action if she did not participate. After a years-long legal battle and an investigation led by the Department of Health and Human Services, the hospital eventually changed its policy to ensure medical personnel are not forced to participate in abortions.

Now, Cathy is an outspoken advocate on behalf of other medical personnel who are faced with the same unjust dilemma.

“No one should be forced to violate their religious beliefs—especially in the workplace,” said Speaker Ryan. “Not only did Cathy stick up for her faith, but she did so while fighting for the unborn. It’s wrong that Cathy and so many others have been intimidated into assisting with abortions, which is why the Trump administration’s expanded conscience protections are a welcomed change. As a staunch defender of religious liberty, I was very moved by Cathy’s story—I am delighted she’s attending tonight’s address.”
President George W Bush first issued conscience protections for pro-life doctors and other medical workers who did not want to participate in abortions. But President Barack Obama rescinded those protections and created a situation where pro-life medical workers and others who don’t want to be involved in abortions are pressured to do so.

Then, earlier this month, Trump pushed forward with a new effort to protect doctors and healthcare workers from being forced or pressured to perform abortions. The division will protect anyone who has a “moral objection” to involvement in an abortion because it kills an unborn child before birth.

“President Trump promised the American people that his administration would vigorously uphold the rights of conscience and religious freedom,” HHS Acting Secretary Eric Hargan said in a release.  
“That promise is being kept today. The Founding Fathers knew that a nation that respects conscience rights is more diverse and more free, and OCR’s new division will help make that vision a reality.”

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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