
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Pro-Life Voices Needed for Wednesday's "Mother of All Tweet Storms"


from Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President
Operation Rescue

Calling all pro-life supporters!

President Trump has announced that on Wednesday, January 17, 2018, he will hold #FakeNewsAwards.

There is expected to be a huge tweet storm about it under several hashtags, including #FakeNews, #FakeNewsAwards, #GreatAwakening, #WeThePeople, and others. Of course, the trolls and Trump-bashers are expected to be out in full force as well.

Those that have been following the #Qanon posts have been asked to create memes that express truths that have been misreported or ignored by the Main Stream Media (MSM) and call them out for their dishonest reporting.

This is supposed to be a tweet war of Biblical proportions with folks joined together in a concerted effort to break through to the masses with the truth about governmental corruption, human trafficking, and even Planned Parenthood.

Continue reading and view sample memes! Let's have at it tomorrow on Twitter and break through the Fake News with the truth about abortion and the sanctity of LIFE!

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