
Saturday, January 20, 2018

PRO-life…OR ANTI-abortion?? YES!!

Alexandra Snyder, Executive Director
Life Legal Defense Foundation

I've been following discussions in pro-life circles regarding the meaning of “pro-life” and whether the term adequately describes a position that is vehemently opposed to the killing of children in the womb. As a result, some have started to call themselves exclusively “anti-abortion.”
However, “anti-abortion” does not encompass threats to life to those who have already been born. These threats can come from hospitals and other health care providers—and even from family members—who believe that unless a person enjoys a certain subjectively-determined “quality of life,” that person should be made dead.

So when we receive a call from the son of an elderly woman asking for help because her court-appointed guardian sought to withdraw her ventilator, we say YES! Then we work with a local attorney to see that the woman receives proper care and treatment—which, in this case, was so successful that she was able to leave the hospital.

And when we receive a call like the one we got recently from a 40 Days for Life team asking for help because pro-aborts had disrupted their prayer vigil by throwing glass bottles and blaring loud music, we say YES! Then we ensure that those sidewalk advocates can continue to exercise their right to pray for and reach out to abortion-vulnerable women without fear of physical harm.

So does that makes us PRO-life or ANTI-abortion?

YES! We are unequivocally PRO the protection of the sanctity of human life at all stages, from conception to true death. And we are unequivocally ANTI the extermination of unborn babies for any reason.

Please stand with us in 2018 as we fight for the protection of innocent human life and against the indiscriminate killing of the weak and vulnerable.

The Life Legal Defense Foundation is a non-profit law firm that specializes in the defense of vulnerable human life, especially life in the womb. For more information on this organization or to make a donation to help them with their work, please use this link. 

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