
Monday, January 22, 2018

Raising a Banner to Save Baby Girls in China at March for Life D.C.

National Right to Life

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers will carry an 8-foot banner to “End Gendercide” – the sex-selective abortion of baby girls — in China, at the March for Life today in Washington, D.C.
“The United States has about one million abortions a year,” Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, stated. “For every abortion we have in the United States, China as 23. China has an incomprehensible 23 million abortions a year – many of them forced, mostly of baby girls. The greatest hemorrhage of human life in the world today is flowing out of China.”
Women are still pressured to abort or abandon baby girls, even under China’s Two-Child Policy. For example, it was reported that a Chinese woman from Anhui Province died after her husband pressured her into aborting four pregnancies in a year, because he wanted a son. The couple already had a four-year-old daughter.

After the Two-Child Policy was instituted on January 1, 2016, they decided to have a second child, which the husband determined would be a boy. When the woman became ill because of the repeated abortions, her husband divorced her. She used the divorce settlement money (approximately U.S. $2500) to seek hospital treatment, but then died. Her husband did not visit her in the hospital and was planning on marrying another woman at the time of the report.

Littlejohn continued, “My heart breaks for this woman, pressured into four abortions by her husband, then left to die from the trauma – all because he wanted a son! Brutal son preference remains in China, and as I had predicted, the sex-selective abortion of baby girls continues under the Two-Child Policy. Second daughters are still aborted or abandoned.”

According to one U.N. estimate, up to 200 million women are missing in the world today because of sex-selective abortion. This gendercide has created a gender imbalance in China, where there are an estimated 37 million more males living than females. This gender imbalance is in turn driving human trafficking and sexual slavery, within China and from the surrounding countries.
“This should be an issue about which pro-life and pro-choice can agree,” Littlejohn stated. “No one supports forced abortion, because it’s not a choice. And what serious women’s rights advocate can defend the sex-selective abortion of girls?”
Website: National Right to Life 

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