
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Resolutions That Matter

Shawn CarneyPresident
40 Days for Life

New Year's resolutions often involve promises to somehow lose 50 pounds by next week – or develop some other healthy habit – but most rarely make it beyond February before they're all but forgotten.

But how about a tangible resolution for 2018 – one that can literally save a life?

We take a look at the Top 10 Pro-life Resolutions for 2018 on the newest edition of the 40 Days for Life podcast!

Losing weight will be far overrated after seeing a baby saved through prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil!

One resolution is to attend a pro-life event in January – and there are many to choose from!

40 Days for Life will have an active presence at the March for Life in Washington, DC on January 19 ... and the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco on January 27. We'll have more to say about that in the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime, you can get new 40 Days for Life gear for the marches this month ... and get FREE shipping and an 18% discount when you order soon.

There are already more than 320 communities taking part in the 40 Days for Life campaign from February 14 to March 25 ... so find the one nearest you and sign up! More cities are finalizing campaign plans, so keep checking the list if you don't yet see a location nearby.

Happy New Year!

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