
Friday, January 5, 2018

Trump's Top 8 Pro-Life Victories Listed as Operation Rescue Names Him 'Pro-Life Person of the Year'

By Stoyan Zaimov
Christian Post

Pro-life activist group Operation Rescue announced last week that U.S. President Donald Trump has won its 2017 Pro-Life Person of the Year Malachi Award for his work in "protecting the pre-born."
"Operation Rescue is grateful Pres. Trump for having the courage to keep promises made during the campaign that provide greater protections for the pre-born and deny Federal funds from those who commit abortions," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman in the press release.
"He has proven to be the most pro-life president we have had in modern history and has backed up his pro-life rhetoric with action like no other before him."
The group listed eight of his main accomplishments since taking office, starting with his appointment of conservative, pro-life Justice Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court.
"He has effectively denied public money to those who commit and promote abortions around the world," Operation Rescue said of Trump's second accomplishment.
"The Trump Administration Department of Justice has launched a formal investigation into Planned Parenthood's illegal baby parts trafficking scheme," it continued.
Another victory for pro-lifers was identified in Trump's support for pro-life legislation, such as the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which is aiming to ban late-term abortions nationwide.

For the 5th accomplishment, the group listed Trump's removal of a former President Barack Obama-era mandate that forced states to continue funding Planned Parenthood despite their wishes.

Next, the activists said that Trump has "worked to fill his administration with pro-life people and put them in places where they can do the most good."
"Trump's administration has taken active steps within the Health and Human Services and other agencies to establish pro-life policies that protect the pre-born," noted the 7th item on the list.
Finally, Operation Rescue positioned that Trump has fought to provide protections for people with religious and moral objections to paying for abortifacient drugs through Obamacare.
"We are proud of President Trump and his bold willingness to advance the cause of life. There are more battles ahead, but under the Trump administration, we can now finally see progress within our government toward restoring the sanctity of life and the protections of personhood to the pre-born," Newman stated.
Other pro-life groups, such as the Washington-based Susan B. Anthony List, have also said that Trump has been fulfilling promises in this area.

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