
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

What I Experienced Outside of D.C. Planned Parenthood

As half a million pro-lifers made a weekend out of the 44th Annual March for Life in D.C, I had the opportunity to attend a local vigil outside of the Planned Parenthood Carol Whitehall Moses Center.

I first saw three people from Forth Worth, TX encircled praying the rosary together. I joined them until a sidewalk counselor invited us to join them in their vigil that began at 11AM. I reluctantly joined the group. The vigil was led by Monsignor Charles Pope.

In the midst of the praying, there were small groups that gathered, little by little, as the vigil went on. Many came as far as Wisconsin to pray. A large group of 300 stopped with Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Priests for Life to pray the morning after the March.

During the General Intercessions, a prayer warrior offered an intention of thanksgiving for those spared from abortion, which included him 65 years ago.

Msgr. Pope later led a Jericho walk around the perimeter of the facility. Those that joined him sung songs of praise and even sprinkled holy water on the building and escorts.

It's a parallel to our vigils in Philadelphia. We gather outside during the vigils with peace, love, and mercy which must  be offered to those who work and volunteer at Planned Parenthood and other abortion affiliates. Most importantly, we offer the same tools to the moms who enter the gates of hell with abortion as their only option. With peace, love, and mercy we can change many hearts and minds.

Mgr. Pope leading a Jericho Walk around the perimeter of the facility

Sidewalk advocate offers help to those who enter the facility

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