
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Woman Becomes Pregnant With Triplets Despite Being on the Pill, Rejects Abortion

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

In abortion activists’ minds, Beth Morton had many good reasons to have an abortion. She was young, unmarried and her birth control failed. What’s more, she was pregnant with triplets and completely unprepared to be a parent.

But the 26-year-old mother from Essex, England knew that her unborn babies were valuable human beings.

The Daily Mail reports Morton chose life for her non-identical triplets, Archie, Lola and Ralphie, and gave birth in June.

Morton said she had been taking the birth control pill for years, and was shocked last year to learn that they had failed. Her partner, Danny Bellamy, was supportive; but Morton said her family was worried about how she would handle the unplanned pregnancy.
“I’m only young and my family were worried about how I was going to take to it, but I’ve just taken it in my stride,” Morton said. “I’m very calm with the triplets and I love being a mom. So, even though it was a shock, I wouldn’t change it for anything.”
Morton experienced another shock during her 12-week ultrasound scan when the technician announced that she was having triplets.
“I thought the sonographer was joking …” she said. “She told me she wasn’t joking, and I could see the three sacs in there. I burst out crying. I couldn’t take it in. Danny was really happy, but it was still a real shock to me.”
The medical team even suggested that she have a “selective reduction,” an abortion that would have destroyed one or two of the triples’ lives. Morton said no.

Here’s more from the report:

Non-identical triplets are rarely conceived without the use of IVF, and Miss Morton was offered a ‘selective reduction’ – in which doctors terminate one or two of the babies to make it a safer pregnancy.

But the couple refused. 
Miss Morton said: 
"There was no way that we would have ever considered a selective termination."
"How could you possibly choose one baby’s life over another … we were determined to give all three of them the best possible chance. I know it was a risky pregnancy, but I trusted the doctors to look after us all."
A year later, Morton said she is happy as a mother of three, and each of the triplets already is displaying his or her own personality.
“They may have been a surprise, but I can’t imagine life without them now,” Morton said.
Website: Life News

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